Chapter 1

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I'm Jem Harper, a sophomore student in high school. I'm not the type of girl that gets all excited when the first day of school comes around. I'm not good with fashion. I'm not part of the DIP or the "Dress to Impress Program". The 'Dress to Impress Program' is when students attend to schools all dressed up business like professionally. Then, at the end of the day, the student body will vote who dressed up the best and the winner will receive an award. On the bright side though, I'm kinda excited to go back to school tomorrow only because I get to see him! I haven't seen him since the last day of school. Why? Sadly, he's not in band like I am. 

Well, it's time to hit the hay! I need to get up at 6 am so I won't be late to my first day of school. Didn't I just say that I'm not the type of girl that gets all excited when it comes to the first day of school? He's the only person that can make me contradict myself all the time. 



I slowly opened my eyes as I stared at the alarm clock with disappointment. "Aww crap! It's 6:50!" I cried out. I guess I kept pressing that stupid snooze button without even realizing it. "Shit, I'm going to be late on the first day of school! This can't be happening!" I yelled to myself. Last thing I want things to occur is starting this year off on the wrong foot. 

Jumping out of bed, I quickly threw the blankets off me and ran to my closet. Screw making my bed! There's no time to lose! As I switched my walk in closet light on, I began to panic. OMG what to wear, what to wear?! 

Randomly, I started yanking clothes of the hangers and put them on. As I looked at my outfit I realized it wasn't half as bad. Hey, maybe fashion will be better for me this year. The peach colored skinny jeans went well with the white lace shirt with a peach tank top underneath. Okay, enough being conceded. I ran to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair. Thank god I took a shower last night before bed. Running down the stairs I grabbed my notebook and mechanical pencil and placed it in my book bag.  

" Jem, why are you still here? Your school starts at 7:05! You don't want to be late on your first day, do you?" my mother said worriedly. "I can see that mom, which is why I'm running like a tornado." I told my mom as I quickly kissed her on the check and ran out the door. My mother turned to me and called from behind "Be careful Jem! You know what happened to Uncle Jerry when he was rushing to work. No speeding whatsoever. Do you understand me missy?" "Yes, mom, I got it. Thanks." I quickly replied. I waved goodbye as I slid into the diver seat. Putting in the keys into my soul Kia, I hightailed out of there! 

Eyes on the road, I told myself repeatedly. Even though I really wanted to rush through the streets, I couldn't. I didn't want to end up like Uncle Jerry. My eyes started tearing up as the memory flood into my mind. Get yourself together, Jem! All you need to do is to get to school on time! After clearing my mind, I finally arrived to the student parking lot. Carefully parking my car, I pulled the keys out and ran over to the main entrance.  

"Excuse me, young lady. Please report to the main gym to receive your schedule" a voice startled me. I slowly turned my head to the left and it was the AP, the Assistant Principal. I quickly did as I was told. I was really nervous to get my schedule. Hopefully I'll get a class with him. I stood in a really short line because not that many people have last names H-J in my school, plus since I was running late, the line was less crowded. After I got my schedule I slowly wandered around the empty halls trying to find my homeroom class. Minutes of roaming the halls I finally found it. 

As I walked in class, I saw him, my crush, but I don't think he thinks the same back to me. I've admired him from a distance. I never minded getting lost as I stared deep into those beautiful green eyes. Just like those cheesy pick up lines, 'Do you have a map? Because I keep getting lost in your beautiful eyes.' I chuckled to myself at that thought as I searched for a seat to sit in. My eyes fell onto an empty seat across from him, and instantly, my cheeks went hot. Is this a dream? Can this day get any better? I was already surprised that I got him for homeroom and 8th period chemistry, but to sit next to him? This is freaking heaven! Don't ask me how I knew I have 8th period chemistry with him, I have my resources. I mentally fist pumped the air in triumph. Hell yeah! 

I was so surprised that I got him for homeroom and 8th period chemistry. I kinda wished I didn't have him for any classes at all, because he is so handsome that I literally stare at him for the whole class period than do my work. Didn't I just say a few minutes ago that I wanted to have a class with him? Like I've said before, only he can make me contradict myself.

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