CH I: Park After Dark

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It was the first day of March and a normal day for the best friends; Dylynn Schyler Aquino Song doings tricks on her skateboard at the ramp and Ashton Carlos Villanueva Alcantara shooting hoops in the basketball court near by. When Dylynn started to take a break, she was leaning against the silver pole and watched her best friend play while reading To Kill A Mockingbird. He was slim, tanned male about 5'5 with black hair swaying as the wind kept blowing, revealing his dark green eyes and drying the sweat that's finding its way down his forehead. Ashton kept smirking at his 5'8, dark hair with red highlights, slim best friend with warm brown skin and silver eyes.

Ashton shot a 3-pointer from the left side of the court. "HA! Another perfect shot from the master!"

Dylynn snickered. "Yeah, the master of arrogant idiots!"

Ashton gave a blank expression. "OH yeah? You do better, Miss Book-Obsessed Weirdo."

"Okay, watching you is boring. Time to show you up," Dylynn thought.

She waited until shot the ball from slightly beyond the 3-point line. When he failed his shot, she grabbed his rebound, dribbled the ball down to the opposite side of the 3-point line and made her shot. As she took the basketball and walked towards Ashton with one hand on her hip, Ashton's arms were crossed as his face showed an annoyed expression.

"I am, can, and did better. Whatcha got, boy?" Dylynn said, throwing the basketball towards his chest.

Ashton caught the ball and grunted. "What I got is a best friend who's better than everyone, but me."

Dylynn chuckled with a fake shocked expression. " OH yeah. Wanna put money where your mouth is?"

"No, I rather put your famous fudge brownies there," Ashton smiled, lifting his right eyebrow.

"Done deal," Dylynn said as they shook hands.

Ashton and Dylynn went one-one for five minutes. They both agreed one quarter is 10 minutes and first one to 10 points wins that quarter, but Dylynn has so much skills that she beat Ashton in 5 minutes flat. Dylynn was still on her feet, spinning the basketball on her left index finger as Ashton was on the floor, sweating and panting. As Ashton got to his feet after several minutes of resting, Dylynn was smirking as the basketball kept spinning.

Ashton sighed, smiling. "Alright. You win. I'll make you your favorite kind of brownies."

Dylynn laughed, letting the basketball fall. "Thank you. And honestly, I don't even know why you tried to play me, considering I'm boss at everything."

They both laughed, then hugged. Once they packed their bag, they skated around the playground for a while. When Dylynn got tired, she sat on the swing, enjoying the breeze. As Dylynn's eyes were closed, Ashton ran up to her quietly and pushed the swing, sending her flying. As Dylynn flew in the air, she landed, doing a perfect somersault. Once Dylynn turned back to face him with an angry expression, he had a worried expression, realizing how stupid he is.

"OK, come on. Hop on," Ashton said walking towards her, offering a piggyback ride.

"Yay!" Dylynn said bitterly as she got on.

Once Dylynn got on Ashton's back, he bolted at lightning speed. They laughed and laughed as Ashton ran all around the playground, from the steps of the equipment to the grass field. When Ashton released Dylynn back where they started the run, they grabbed their stuff and skated to the oak tree. There, they laid down, with Ashton's arm around Dylynn and Dylynn leaning against Ashton, just being together. They stared out, thinking and being together for at least an hour. Before Ashton checked his phone for the time, he turned to Dylynn, staring out at the sun. Her eyes sparkled as Ashton saw the joy she had staring at the light.

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