Chapter one part one- read my mind

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  • Dedicated to My sick cat, she has a tumor :( (her name is Minoe)

Hey everybody!!! This is my first fanfic on the internet, and I wanna say a few things.

First I'm actually from the Netherlands, so I do speak english but I make mistakes, the most mistakes are spelling and using te wrong time and I also blame Google translate for that, so I hope you understand that. And I would like to know what you thought about the story-because it's the first time I wrote one on the internet-and I'm begging you to leave a comment, even if it's not so good please let me know!!!!

Enjoy!!! Love you all, you're the reason that I'm writing this!!!

Oke, sanity level: 0,00000001% let's get started *grabs keyboard and throws it out of the window and reaches for the laptop*

-Liam's P.O.V.-

I'm laying in bed, listening to the sound of the rain outside. It relaxes me. It makes me forget 'him' for awhile. Suddenly I hear my door open, and someone walks into my room. I keep my eyes shut, pretending that I'm asleep. "Liam" I hear someone whisper, the voice sounds nervous, and I can hear the person shuffling. "Liam" I hear my name again, a little bit louder this time. I'm getting annoyed, why don't they just leave me alone? Then, totally unexpected, I feel someone climbing in my bed, the person who I now recognize as Niall crawls under the sheets next to me, snuggling close into my back. I don't mind, Niall does that often when he has had a nightmare or when he is scared of something. I don't pay much attention to it until I realise that he's crying. I turn around to face him. "What's wrong Ni?" I ask, "I had that nightmare again" Nial cries, and he buries his face in my chest. I wrap my arms around him and I pull him closer. "Shhhhh, it's going to be okay" I whisper softly, I cradle him like a baby. After a while his breath becomes slower and I feel his body relax in my arms. I look at him as he's sleeping, these are the moments that I really feel like Daddy Direction. I lay him down carefully, and then walk towards the bathroom to take a shower. After a good half an hour I turn the shower off and grab a towel to cover myself as I walk into the bedroom to get dressed. Niall is still sleeping, and I decide to let him sleep. As I walk into the kitchen I smell something delicious and see that Harry is making pancakes, he throws them in the air and catches them with the frying pan I turn my head and I freeze, Louis is sitting at the kitchen table in his pajamas, His hair is all messed up, and  he's staring into the room with a sleepy look on his face, God he's cuuuuttteee!!!! I'm laughing at my own thoughts, Louis immidiately looked up at the sound, he looks around and finally realizes that I have arrived. "LIAAM!!!!" Louis screames with his usual enthusiasm, he was about to stand up as Zayn walks into the room. "ZAAAAAYYYYNNNN!!!!" Louis yells "HARRYISMAKINGPANCAKES!!!!" he adds. Zayn nods, clearly not listening to Louis at all as he looks around and walks further into the room. "Has anyone seen Niall? I went upstairs to wake him up but he wasn't in his room, and he wasn't in the bathroom either" he frowns. I feel my cheeks  coloring a  bit red, "yes, he's in my room"I stutter. All eyes are now fixed on me, I'm blushing even more. I look at Louis and see that he isn't smiling anymore, his face now looks more....Jealous????....No it must be something else, why would he be jealous? I hear myself thinking, it's like there's someone else in my head who askes these questions...Then I realise how easy things would be if Louis just could read my mind....It would make things less painfull. I look up and see that everybody is still looking at me, waiting for an explanation. "Ehhm..." I start, but I'm interrupted by Niall "morning boys!!!!" Everybody turns around and Harry smirks "have you slept well Niall?" he asks, an evil smirk on his face, Louis looks like he wants to kill Harry. I don't get it, why is he angry? Did something happen while I was upstairs?. My thoughts are interrupted as Zayn grabs my arm and drags me into the hallway. I look at him confused, he looks me in the eyes "Liam, I need to tell you something but you have to keep it a secret" I nod, confused. "You have to promise me you won't tell it anyone" I nod again "I promise I won't tell anybody Zayn, you can trust me". Zayn looks at me and sighs, "I think I'm in love....with Harry" he whispers. Wow...didn't see that one coming!!! ehhmmm....I start. He grabs my arm and looks me into the eyes. "Liam, I don't know what to do!!!" He whispers, he looks desperate. I'm still in shock, but then I open my arms and he hugs me. "I need to tell you something too" I whisper...shit I don't know if I'm ready for this, but he trusts me, I should trust him too I sight, then I realise that he's staring at me oke I need to tell him, at least someone needs to know  "I'm in love love with.....I love Louis" I feel the tears streaming down my face. Zayn pulls out his hand and wipes them away. I smile a little, it's good to have such friends. He grabs my arm and stays close as we walk into the kitchen again. The other boys are already eating and making fun of each other when they try to ruin each other's food. As I sit down Zayn sits down next to me. I smile at him and he smiles back. Then someone throws a spoon at me, making me jump in my chair. I turn around and see Harry almost falling of his chair from laughter. I grumble and I take his plate, "He!!!" he tries to take it back,but I grab the salt and empty the entire saltshaker above his food. "NOOOO!!!!!" he screams, everybody rolls over the ground from laughter as he tries to save some of his food. I smirk, I look at Louis and see that he looks satisfied, "that's what you get for throwing a spoon at Liam Harry!" He laughs. The butterflies in my stomach are going wild, my heart is bouncing out of chest. I realise that I'm staring I can't help it, he's just tooo cute I hear the voice in my head say. I turn around to look at Zayn and Niall, Niall is technically crying from laughter and Zayn looks at Harry with a wide smile on  his face. I smirk as he keeps his eyes fixed on a distracted Harry while he tries to stand up. Harry looks at me angry "what's so funny Payne?" I feel myself smirking even more "you..Styles.." I can't hold in my laughter anymore and join Zayn and Niall on the floor...

-Louis' P.O.V.- 

I look up as I hear someone laugh, I turn around and see Liam, with a smile on his face and his hair still wet from the shower god does he really have to be so perfect? I scream his name, as Zayn suddenly walks into the room, I scream that Harry's making pancakes and I'm surprised as he doesn't responce but only looks around like he is looking for something. "Has anyone seen Niall? I went upstairs to wake him up but he wasn't in his room, and he wasn't in the bathroom either" he asks, I look at Liam and see that he's blushing wait a second...Payne why are thoughts are interrupted by Liam "yes, he's in my room" he stutters. wait...WHAT!!!! No way...what the hell is Niall doing in the room of MY Liam....well maybe not MY Liam.. ow let's just face it: I'm desperatly in love with Liam Payne...and even if he is gay he will  never love my back....why does it have to hurt so bad!!! Niall suddenly walks in and of course Harry has to make a comment about it, I look at him with a stare that probably would have killed him if he looked me in the eyes, but he was too bussy laughing at his own jokes. Why? Why me? Why do I have to fall in love with someone who will never love me back the same way, why did I have to fall in love with Liam goddam Payne?!


The boy on stage introduces himself as Liam Payne, he smiles at the judges. Apparently he has been on the X-Factor before but he was send home because the judges thought 'he wasn't ready'. I look at him, he's beautiful. He has brown hair with matching brown eyes, and his voice...his voice is just....PERFECT...I feel my heart bouncing out of my chest. I know that I'm gay for almost five years now. I never told anyone and even dated girls so my parents wouldn't find out because I was afraid of rejection. But with him, if I could only be with him I  wouldn't be ashamed to tell anybody, I would even scream it from the rooftop...what am I doing, that boy is too hot, even if he's gay he will never be interested in someone like me...

~end of flashback~

We are in the middle of a foodbattle as Liam and Zayn come back, I feel a sting in my heart as I see that Zayn holds Liam close to his side. They sit down and I see Harry taking his spoon oh no..Liam hates spoons..He looks at liam with an evil smirk on his face put that goddam spoon down Styles!!! he throws it too late....and Liam jumps up, he grabs Harry's plate ooh, this is going to be good!!! Harry tries to take it back but liam smirks and grabs the salt go Liam!!! Show that worthless piece of....nevermind he takes the cap of the salt container owww yeah!!! then he empties it above Harry's plate, Ha!!! revenge you son of a...nevermind...take that Harry, that's what you get for scaring MY ehm...for scaring Liam!!! Liam looks at Zayn and he starts smiling why is he looking at him? Why am I jealous? I mean Zayn look like an idiot... then he starts laughing at Harry and I feel my body go numb His smile is soo pretty!!! No one in the world is more perfect than Liam It's soo cute that it makes me wanna jump him and hug him and tell him that I love him 

but I can't.....

Yay I finally finished it, I'm working at part two right now, but I decided to make two parts because this is more like an introduction...Like a kind of extra. As you may have noticed I'm planning to throw in some Zarry later on, because in a lot of fanfics Zayn always is the (only) straight person and I thought: let's just add some Zarry cuteness!!! Please let me know if you liked it, and I would also appreciate if you report wrong spelling or something like that, and you can always send me ideas to make this story better or to use in other chapters!!!!!

I love you all, stay just as perfect as you are!!!

music: River Flows In You, because of the rain and because I really love piano music and this song. It kind of gives me the feeling that I'm save and that everything is good. If you look at the video you see different quotes that I find very touching. Anyway...Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!



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