Chapter 2- Meet the parents

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Deciding to be fake mates with Mike has made me so happy, well my human happy. My wolf was still growling and pouting over Austin. After about ten minutes of that I decided to ignore my wolf and just enjoy holding hands with a certain brown haired boy with a six pack at the party. Even through I am "mates" with Mike, I can still feel Austin shoot daggers at us and it is driving me crazy. What's your problem? First you want to reject me, then you are jealous

"Hey, Sam," my friend Bella interrupts my thoughts. "Is this your mate? Wait Mike?" she asks confused as she looks at our intertwined hands. She was the shoulder I cried on when we broke up and she knows we aren't mates.

"Yeah. I guess I was wrong. We are mates" I lie.

"Right. Now spill," she commands not believing me. Why did I even try lying to her or anyone for that matter?

" I'll tell you latter. There are to many people here," I reply looking around at the big dinning room filled with many guest that aren't even from my pack. That is when I realize that the alpha must have invited other people from other packs and maybe he even did this every year. You might think ' how could I not notice wolves from other packs before?' Well I was to involved with my mate problems to even look around and plus I never been to his parties before, so I don't know what to expect. All I was told is people from my pack who are turning sixteen will be here.

"No one is even looking this way and do you hear how loud it is?" Bella presses on.

" You never know," I say.

"I know. Now spill." She says again. I give up and whisper to her the mate plan.

"This will never work you know. Austin and you are meant to be" she says.

"If we are meant to be, why did he reject me?" I ask her.

"He rejected you because he doesn't realize what an awesome girl you are." she explains tome like its so simple.

"Well he is not getting a second chance. I am mates with Mike" I say just as my parent walk towards me.

"Honey, is Mike actually your mate? That is wonderful and you were all upset yesterday. We told you everything will work out" my mom exclaims.

"Yeah, Mike is my mate" I lie. I hate lying to my parents.

"That is great. Mike, do you want to come over for dinner? It is a tradition in this family that mates come over for dinner." my dad asks Mike.

"Sure" he says looking completely on ease while I am the complete opposite.

"Okay, well go enjoy your first night together as mates." my mom says as both of my parents leave.

"Do you want to dance?" Mike asks motioning to the many people dancing to a slow song.

Just as I am about to say okay, Austin appears in font of us.

"What was that about?"he asks looking pissed.

"Well you rejected me and I found a new mate." I say.

"I never rejected you," he glares at Mike's hand around my waist.

"Yes, but you were going to. Now you can go have fun with the thousands of girls you sleep with," I reply trying to hide the jealousy in my voice.Without a word he leaves making me feel lonely. Why fate? Why did you pair me up with him?

"So do you want to dance?"Mike asks again.

"Um sure, but I have to go to the bathroom first" I reply turning around and heading to the bathroom after Mike gives a quick nod.

*******Mike's Pov*******

I watch her as she goes to the bathroom and realize that I am happy to have her as my mate. She is a wonderful girl and how dare Austin not want her? Reject her? I start to get angry, but before I decide to go find Austin and yell at him, someone bumps in to me. I feel sparks where we touched and then I instantly realize she is my mate. I turn around and I see two of the same girls and they are beautiful. They both have dark brown hair and mesmerizing brown eyes.

"Mate" I whisper. They look like angels, but am I seeing double? Why is there two of them. Who bumped into me?

"Hi" they whisper back with an angelic voices.

"Hi, which one of you is my mate?" I ask as my wolf howls with joy wanting to grab her and hug her, but who?

"Um" they say in unison before they bolt.

"Wait!"I yell before starting to go after them.

"So, What did I miss?" asks my fake mate when I really wanted her to be my real mate, but who is my actual real mate?

"Nothing" I mumble as I search for my real mate. One of the twins?


>>>>>>> pic of Austin. Sam's mate

Sorry for the long wait. It was a busy month and I kind of had writers block.

What did everyone think? Who do you think is Mike's mate and why did they bolt?

Please vote, comment or fan because to make this story better I need to know what everyone is thinking.

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