Chapter four

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Once Nolen picked me up I let all my tears out and I couldn't stop crying .

" Ally what happened " he said

"Carlos...H...He cheated on me because I'm a virgin " I cried

" i know that but like how you know " he said

" one of his side pieces came up to us and told me when I'm not with him she satisfies him . " I said with my accent coming out strong cause I was so mad...he probably couldn't understand me

" chill Ally " Nolen said as he rubbed my thigh

" I can't I just wanna beat that bitches ass like for real " I said balling up my fist

We pulled up into my drive way and I got out and ran upstairs with Nolen trailing behind.

I flopped on my bed and curled up in a ball . I felt Nolen arms wrap around me. I felt so secure with him I start to to calm down slowly.

" Nolen" I said quietly

" huh " he said

" thanks for being here for me " I said turning around facing him

" I always will be " he licked his lips which turned me on

I leaned in a kissed him and surprisingly kissed back . He pulled me on to him ass he griping my butt, which made me let out a gasp .

" Nolen " I moaned as he kissed neck hitting my sweet spot

"No we can't you got a girl an I just got out of a relationship " I moaned

" it can be our little secret " he said flipping me over now he was on top .

He took off my shirt then my leggings.

" ally " I heard my mom yell

" yes " I said putting my shirt on and then my leggings

" I got some tacos " she yelled

"Okay " i yelled as I walked down stairs with Nolen following

" hey Nolen "she said once she saw him

" hey " he said

" come on I know y'all hungry let's eat " she clapped her hands and handed us are food


" so Nolen how's you and Ari " my mom asked biting into he taco

" we good " he said

"That's good, hope y'all stay strong " she said smiling

" yea me too" he said quietly

" okay so  I was planning to do a family get together " my mom said

" sounds good " I said

" okay next week , so tell your mother " my mom said said to Nolen

" ight "

We finished eating and we just chilled until Nolen went home . I went to my room and showered and put on my night clothes . I then FaceTime my other best friend kayla .

After about one ring she answered .

" hey bitch " I said

" hey hoe " she laughed

" so what's up " I asked

" umm... Im one month pregnant " she said

" omg I'm gonna have a god child " I said

" yep " she laughed." What about you "

" me and Nolen almost fucked "

"Wait what isn't he dating Ari"she said

" yes bitch "

" damn y'all about to be fuck buddy's " she laughed

" hell no , my ass still a virgin "

" not for long " she smirked

" stop " I laughed

We talked for about 2 hours before I grew tired and feel alseep.

Next day


I woke up happy ass fuck why? Ion know why I just did . I got dressed and headed over to Ally's to see what's up .

I pulled into her drive and jogged to her door .

I knock on her door and she answered looking mad .

" why are you here " she said crossing her arms

" stop with the attitude " i said

" ion got ..." I cut her off with a kiss

She kissed back a course and jump around up wrapping her legs around my waist .

I carried her to the bed and laid her down . I pulled off her shorts and then her panties .

I bent down and stated to kiss her inner thigh

" Nolen " she moaned and I smirked

I got to her area and started to eat her out and she arched her back moaning my name . She came an I cleaned her up .

" damn ma you taste so good " I said as i looked her in her eyes

She laughed and got up going to the restroom. She took a quick shower and changed to some sweats as I laid on her bed on my phone .

She came out and climb on top off me sitting just above my dick area . She took the my phone out my hand and put it on the bed .

" let's do something " she said playing with my hand

" like what " I smirked

" eww " she playfully hit my chest

" then what " I said sliding my hand down to her ass .

" let's do something fun" she said moving my hands away

" let's go to a house party tonight " I suggested

" oou yess " she said excitedly

" ight I gotta go home and get ready " I said

" okay just call when you outside "

" ight " I got up and left .

Finna be lit tonight with my "best friend"



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