Chapter 14

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Hey guys Ryuko here. So one thing before we get on towards Chapter 14. GUNS, SWORDS, AND LOVE REACHED 1,OOO READS! Wow, I can't believe this happened before this story actually got to its main conflict. Thank you guys for reading this story and I hope you guys continue to keep reading. Well here's Chapter 14 and Happy Thanksgiving! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shino's P.O.V

        I woke up the next day feeling really relaxed despite me being hurt from that fight. I really thought I was going to have a nightmare because of it, but I guess it's because Kirito, I mean, Kazuto was with me. Then the events from last night played in my mind.

   'W-why did I show weakness to him...again? Do I have feelings for...him? No! That's impossible! But... I am IRL. Here I'm Shino Asada, and in that world... I'm Sinon. The cold hearted sniper.' I thought as I looked out the window from my bed.

        I looked around and quickly realized I was still in the hospital. Just then Kazuto woke up and stretched.

    "Morning Shino. I've already sign papers for you to check out the hospital for the day." He acknowledges. "But you don't have to rush, it doesn't start for about 3 hours and the place we have to meet is right near here."

    "Someone is prepared. Alright, I'll get ready then we can leave since I want to prepare myself before it officially begins. But, also why couldn't we just log in here?" I asked.

    "Well they don't allow the Amushpere's in hospitals ever since... you know, the SAO incident, and even if they did, they don't want the Japan server participants in the same location to log in plus I won't recommend we log in here. Also, since they want all the JP players of B.O.B 4 to log in at the same place, we both know something is definitely wrong. One way or another we will put an end to it." He exclaimed.

        I nodded in response. "One thing we don't know for sure is the actual rules and regulations to this factor. All there saying is there is going to be some "change" happening."

    "Sure we do. Remember what I said in GGO?"


"You're not going to believe this, I'm actually having a hard time believing it myself, but this is turning out almost exactly like SAO."

"How so?" I had asked

"Well for starters there not going to have a huge area and keep them there until a goal is met. No, it's like a kill quest in ALO. The only way to win B.O.B4 is to either kill all the other players or find the admin."

    "Find the admin? What you mean by that?"

    "You know how I found and defeated Kayaba Akihiko before the 100 floors were cleared in SAO? Same thing, we find the admin/creator and take him or her down before the goal is completed. I have a bad feeling that like Sword Art Online... this, incident, will have something connected to RL."

(Flashback end)

    "Yeah, you were afraid that it was going to turn out how SAO came to be. You also said that this might have a connection to real life, our real lives. This is probably where the big change starts to take place."

    "Yeah, anyway let's get going. Didn't you want to be a few minutes early?"

    "Yeah..." He nods and leaves the room for me to change. I sign. 'Good, he didn't notice that feeling in my reply. I built those walls for a reason and he's just... crumbling them down. One by one.'

        Once I got ready we left the hospital and read the direction it said in the packet that the company mailed to us. It took us a while but once we got to the building they had to check our ID's and then we went in. About 13 other people are sitting around in one huge table, next to each of them was an Amusphere and there are only 2 seats next to each other that are empty. Like the rest of them they had Amusphere's next to them.

    "Hello everyone, since our last 2 players have arrived we can finally begin. Let me just check in with my partner over at the U.S to see if the rest of the 50 are ready." A tall man boomed. Then for a minute he texted on his phone then he put it down.

    "Ok, everything is ready on the other side so we're ready to begin. Kazuto Kirigaya, you sit on the chair of my right. Shino Asada you sit on the chair next to him. As of now all Amuspheres are logged into Gun Gail Online and your accounts. I'm going to give you guys to commands. When I say, "Log In" you guys power your Amuspheres on. When I give the thumbs up you guys shout "Link Start" then you are on your way to Gun Gail. Once you get to GGO you only have 15 minutes to get ready for B.O.B4." Then he took a big breath then continued. "I highly suggest you look around and look at all 20 – 30 people in this room. These RL people might be the last people you see in your lives. Now Log in.

        Before I took my Amusphere Kazuto took my hand from my lap and squeezed it tight but not too tight to cause any pain. I could tell what he was doing, heck what he is asking. He can't hide anymore that he is truly scared that this would be like Sword Art Online, the death game that he was trapped in for 2 years of his life, and he is looking for comfort by the only person who knew exactly what he was feeling me. So I squeezed his hand and I grabbed my Amusphere and turn it on.

        Then I saw the cue to go to GGO.

    "Link Start!"

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