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September 4...6 days before my birthday... 6 days when the accident happened...that truly changed Gerards life...

I was sitting at the table. I had barley woken up from my slumber when i heard loud thumps upstairs.. Meaning... Gerard was up.

I looked over at the coffee machine and it was empty for I, had gotten the last of it. I giggled to myself and drank it all in a rush before he came. I put my dishes in the sink and sat on the couch.

"Morning Gerard." i said loud enough for him to hear.

"Morning Mikes." he replied with sleepiness dripping from his lips. He slowly walked into the kitchen and i heard a loud gasp.

"MICHAEL JAMES WAY!! WHERE DID MY COFFEE GO!?!?" he yelled. I giggled to myself and ran up the stairs and locked my bedroom door.

I heard loud foot steps heading towards my door. A slam! Hit the door and i hid in the closet giggling like a maniac. I decided to give him his morning exercise and jumped out my window when he came into the room.

He jumped out with me and chased me around my yard. I went outside our backyard and ran up to the canal. I knew he didn't want to chase me up here but I guess I was wrong.

He soon came charging up and stopped a few feet away from me.

"You're gonna pay for drinking all the coffee" he said with a hit of laughter when he said that. I backed up more not thinking of how close I was to the edge.

I couldn't hear Gerard's cries for me to move forward because of the rough waters below me. I stepped once...twice.. One more time. Before i knew it, I slipped and fell into the rough and rushing waters. I heard a splash!  and soon felt arms around me..but...i blacked out..

September 7... 3 days before Mikey's birthday..
-Gerards POV-
I woke up to the sound of beeping from my heart monitor. I looked around to see where i was.. Everything was so....white... Was I in the hospital?

"Hello, Gerard, Glad you're awake. Your family was worried about you." The doctor said.

"Uhm... W-Why am I here..?" i asked him.

"You don't remember?" he asked me and i shook my head.

"Well.. You and your brother, Mikey, were running around and he fell in the canal.. You jumped in and you couldn't find him... You made it out... But the waters were so strong they kept him in there...im so sorry..." the doctor replied.

I felt my eyes start watering and tears fall and form in my eyes.

"S-So he's..." i said but couldn't talk anymore.

"He's gone.. I'm sorry.."

That is when my whole life changed completely.

Mikey, My Dark Angel (waycest)Where stories live. Discover now