chapter 18

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Hello loves :)

I'm here to bring you another update.  I just got back from my vacation today....Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Colorado.  I just have one thing to say- I have no idea how you guys handle all of that heat!  It's awful!

Anyway, this chapter is going to be in 3rd person point of view, so I hope it doesn't confuse you that much. 

Read Happy :)


3rd person P.O.V.

Louis stepped out of the taxi.  He felt the rain patter against his soft cheeks, but paid no attention to it.  He was completely soaked already so he almost didn't care.  And besides, it didn't matter to him.  The only thing that mattered to him at this point in his life was Harry, and if Harry wasn't okay, then neither was he. 

Louis had been thankful to find a taxi, just driving by the down town area, and just plain lucky that the driver could understand what hospital that he was talking about in his rambling on stage about his friend, Harry, and  what had happened to him. 

In the few minutes that Louis had been in the car with the driver, he had managed to tell him about his whole life connection with Harry, beginning at the first X Factor camp to getting the call that his best friend was in the hospital.  He had told the driver everything.  Everything about Harry's anorexia and cutting and to how Haz had been acting weird before now, to how he almost hurt Harry in the bathroom just a few hours before hand.

Louis just needed someone to talk to. He needed someone who would listen to what he had to say and  who wouldn't judge him for everything stupid that he had done.   He needed someone who would say that Harry would somehow find the strength to forgive him for everything that he had done.  The driver did his best to comfort Louis but some how in the end, it just made him feel even more guilty than he had before.

So, when Louis stepped out side into the pouring rain, he felt even worse than he already did.  His heart ached from all of the stress that he was under and he felt so utterly humiliated by telling his newly found driver friend about almost every mistake that he had ever made in his entire life.

Shamed, he covered his head and handed the driver twice the amount that he should have because he felt guilty that the man had to hear all of his and Harry's problems in the short drive that it took to get to the hospital.

After paying the cab driver, Louis almost ran up the steps to get into the hospital.  He flew through the sliding doors almost as if he was in the Olympics and the prize was hundreds of pounds in gold.  The fact was, though, that Louis was fighting for a prize.  And the prize was seeing Harry again, and having their friend ship that he so longed for back. 

It took Louis almost five minutes to find the front desk because, one he wasn't thinking straight with all the stress about Harry flooding through his brain, and two because he became easily distracted by fans and pap asking him what he was doing here, and what had happened.  The fact was though that Louis didn't know the answer to some of the questions himself.  Sure, he knew he was here because Harry was here, but he didn't know why or what for.  All Liam had told him on the phone was that he had to come see for himself, and that got Louis very worried.  He had come straight to the hospital with out hesitation, knowing that every second that he wasted could be a second he would never get to see his little curly haired friend again.

"Hello ma' am." Louis stated talking to the front desk woman, arranging his wet tousled hair so it looked a little more presentable, and arranging his composure in such a manner where people would not since that he was going insane thinking about his best friend. 

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