Chapter 1

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“One more month and we’re out of this hell hole.” I said as me and my two best buds walk up the stairs and in to the halls of Mannaro High School.

                You know how people say that your senior year will be a breeze? Wrong. This has been the most stressful and busy year for me. Maybe it’s because of the fact that alongside my classes and exams, there was pack responsibilities to take care of. In just a few short weeks, I will become the new leader of the Forte Lupo pack. Because of that, this past year has been nothing but training and preparing myself for the role of Alpha. I had to learn business and strategy and all that jazz -- it’s harder than it sounds.

I was more than ready to take on the position. I’ve been preparing for this since I was born. Since my father is the current Alpha, and his father was the Alpha before him, and so on and so forth, it wasn’t news when they said that I would be ruling after him. I had leadership running through my veins, I was born for this.

“I heard that there’s a new girl,” one of my best friends, Connor Young, announced when we reached our lockers.

“Where did you hear that? We just got here.” I asked him.

Oliver Locke, my other best friend, tapped the side of his head with his finger, gesturing that a conversation was going on in his head through the pack’s mind links. “Aubrey’s saying she doesn’t like her already.”

“Which only means one thing—“ Connor started.

“—she’s hotter than her,” Oliver finished.

I rolled my eyes. Leave it up to Aubrey Smith to hate another person for being too attractive. It’s not like she had anything to show off in the first place, she was nothing more than the ordinary blonde hair and blue eyed chick. There was nothing special about her; she was just something pretty to look at. To me, she was just dull, boring, and bitchy.

I was glad I didn’t have to hear any of her thoughts anymore because she did nothing but complain and bitch to us. One of the reasons I chose to block out all of the wolves from our pack, aside from the Alpha, is because I hated when people heard my private thoughts. Yeah, you can choose who you can block out and send a message to but I still don’t know why the rest of us found it so convenient. What’s so great about having everyone know everything you’re thinking?

“Speak of the devil,” Oliver said. We all looked over at the direction he was staring at and saw Aubrey and another one of our pack member, Nina Parker.

Aubrey’s hands were on her hips and she was dressed in her usual slutty clothing – something short and tight.

Nina, on the other hand, was dressed simply in jeans and a t-shirt. She was the total opposite of Aubrey, Nina was kind and caring and a total sweetheart. Right when she came over, Oliver automatically got a hold of his mate and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled his nose on the crook of her neck before kissing the spot. Conner, Aubrey, and I almost gagged at the PDA.

 “Have you guys seen her?” was the first thing Aubrey said to us.

I closed my locker and faced the group. “Why would someone move to a new place at this time of the year? School is about to end, there’s no way she can catch up.” I said.

Aubrey shrugged. “I heard that if she passes all of her finals, she can graduate with us.”

“Who did you hear that from?” Connor asked.

“Nina, of course!” Aubrey threw her hands up as if to say ‘duh’. Nina’s mother was the principal of our high school; we get information about anybody from her. Also, Mrs. Parker was the pack’s doctor.

The first bell rang and the five said our goodbyes before scattering to our first classes. When lunch came along, I was close to combusting in annoyance. All day, the only thing anyone talked about was this new girl whose name I find out to be Monica Knight. Most of the guys in my classes talked about how they tried taking a shot at volunteering to give her a tour of the school and the town but they were all denied. The girls observed that she was nothing but a bitch.

When I walked in to the cafeteria, it was already packed with students; half werewolves and half human. Most of the population of Mannaro Ville were werewolves, hence the name, which is Italian for ‘Werewolf Village’. No one knew of our secret unless a human ended up being your mate but that rarely happens. Only two couples from our whole entire pack has humans for mates.

I sat down at our usual table, which was located near the glass doors that led to the school courtyard. Oliver, Nina, Aubrey, Colin, who was Connor’s younger brother, and other pack members, were already there.

“Where’s Connor?” I asked them as I sat down on an empty seat.

“I don’t know what’s so great about her.” Aubrey fumed, her arms crossed and her face slightly red.

“What? Who?”

“Monica Knight.” Colin answered. He was a spitting image of Connor, except three years younger. Same dirty blonde hair and green colored eyes.

I groaned at his answer. “She seems to be the major topic of the whole school today.”

“Probably for the whole week,” Colin said. “She’s pretty hot, dude.”

“She is not!” Aubrey yelled but everyone ignored her.

“You guys have all seen her?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Oliver said and Nina nodded. “I don't really know how to explain her, she just sort of seems like she wants to be left alone.”

“I would want that, too, if I were that ugly.” Aubrey muttered under her breath and everybody just rolled their eyes.

“So, where’s Connor?” I asked again.

“He stopped to go talk to the new girl,” Oliver answered with a smirk. “If he doesn’t get her number, he owes me ten bucks.”

“There he is, babe,” Nina said and pointed at the direction of the cafeteria entrance. We watched Connor make his way over to us where he sat down with a plop next to me and glared at Oliver as he handed him ten bucks. Oliver smiled wider as he accepted his prize.

“She must be a lesbian!” Connor said. “I was literally at lost for words when she turned me down. That never happens!”

“You can’t just say she’s a lesbian because she—“ I never got to finish my sentence because just then, a scent so intoxicating hit me like a brick wall.

My body jumped up and my seat fell down behind me with a loud noise, making most of the conversations going on in the cafeteria to pause. I could feel all of their eyes on me but my eyes were too busy searching for where the scent was coming from.

Finally, they landed on a pair of blue orbs, shining through a curtain of black hair. She was staring right back at me, in a hypnotized daze just as I was. She had olive skin that was covered in tight jeans and a sweater but her clothes didn’t hide her hour glass figure and her slender neck. Her mouth was curved perfectly along with her high cheek bones and almond shaped eyes. She was breathtaking.

I could hear people talking but I couldn’t make out the words. Everything within me was focused on her. My wolf was prancing in joy and I felt as if I was being pulled towards her by an invisible cord. My heart was pounding faster than it ever had and I thought I would shift right there and then but I kept my wolf down with the little control I had left.

“Mate,” I growled.

My Mate, The Werewolf HunterWhere stories live. Discover now