Singing and duets

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Chica's P.O.V.
I was in my room listening to some music until a really cool song came on. I looked at the song title and saw it was called find a way from working with lemons.

I began to sing the song...
(Play the song now
Chica-this wrighting

If only a touch if just for a moment
Is somewhere that someone who I can hold
Is somewhere that someplace where I can go
Am I living I life that seems frozen in time
Searching for warmth but my world is cold
And I'm stuck in a dream with no end it seems
Can I find a way
Find a way
Find a way

I then heard singing behind me so when I turned around, it was Goldie standing at my door looking all amused.

Days turn to years and it seems for a lifetime
That I tried to going solo
Been on my own
Can I find this somewhere for this heart of stone
Am I living I life that seems frozen in time
Searching for warmth but my world is cold
And I'm stuck in a dream with no end it seems
Can I find a way
Find a way
Find a way
He stepped towards me as he smiled he handsome smile which made my cheek begin to heat up.
Spent life concealed to much time unseen
I'm wondering why what's stuck in between
The closer I get I push love away
It just causes heartache heartache and pain
I tried letting go now I want to hold on

Find a way
Find a way
Find a way
Find a way
Find a way
And I'm living a life that seems frozen in time
Searching for warmth but my world is cold
And I'm stuck in a dream with no end it seems
Find a way
Find a way
Find a way
Find a way
Find a way
He was really close to me as he smiled as we finished the song together in the parts we were singing...
Find a way
Find a way
Find a way

(End of song)

Authors note: hey guys that schedule that I was trying to do isn't really working so I'm taking a break from writing for now...I will be back.
Also I'm running out of ideas for this story please help!!!!!!! I don't want it to end like this.....anyways bye.

golden freddy X chicaWhere stories live. Discover now