Chapter 1: Meeting the sister ✔

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Amalda's pov:
  I stretched and yawned tired from the long airplane ride. Can people get anymore annoying, it's bad enough that I was stuck with them for hours, but seriously?? Ugh, yet another reason why I find people horrible. Anyways back to reality. I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Amalda Fujioka sister of Haruhi Fujioka and daughter of Ranka(?) Fujioka, a successful doctor in America, master of martial arts, and I somehow mastered how to be a ninja (which by the way you should always carry a weapon on your person). I also studied a lot of foreign languages.

  I finished my studies in another area of medical science, and I'm so glad I'm back where I belong. Now I already had a lot of job offers, and I decided to go to Haruhi's school and become the school doctor-nurse thing, so now not only can I keep an eye out for Haruhi but also if anyone bullies her they'll have to deal with me! [*insert evil laugh here* >:D] Again back to reality I haven't seen my family in person for a few years, but I'm glad I'm finally back. Look there's haruhi..I think. "Que paso con tu pelo?!" I said. "What?" she responded back. I facepalmed I forgot she doesn't know any foreign languages. "Sorry I said, "What happened to your hair?!" No but seriously who did this?" I said. She nervously chuckled "Someone put gum in my hair and we had to cut it off."

  "Nooo! Your long beautiful hair is gone!!" I said anime crying. "Oh and where's my hug?!" I said. She smiled and then hugged me with not much strength. But when I did I think she momentarily stopped breathing..oops? Anyways someone coughed and I instantly went on guard. "Who are you?!" I said. The person err... people were nervously standing there except for a black haired dude that's wearing glasses...hmm interesting... Then haruhi turned to me and said "These are people I know so don't hurt them please!" I opened my mouth in surprise then I snapped out of it and said(quite coldly might I add) "And please tell me exactly why you are hanging out with these..boys?" She sighed and responded with, "I may have accidentally broken a super expensive vase and now owe them some [a lot of] money."

  I simply sighed and shook my head while saying "Oh haruhi" and continued to talk "Soo... will you tell me who they are?" She nodded as if remembering that they were still there, "The tall blonde one is Tamaki Suoh, the one with glasses is Kyoya Ootori, the twins are Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin, the small blonde one is Mitsukuni "Honey" Haninozuka and the last one is Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka." I gasped quietly at the mention of the last two and now recognized why they looked familiar, I turned to them "I can't believe I didn't recognize you guys! You've changed." Everyone looked confused which then prompted me to say, "Let me introduce myself, I'm Amalda Fujioka."

   Then it was their turn to gasp and look incredulous "Is it really you?" Honey and surprisingly Mori said at the same time. I simply smiled at them [tbh they looked s h o o k]. Then I turned to the twins and smiled saying "Hikaru, Kaoru its been so long since I last saw you guys! How is your mother?" They gasped and [looked shook to] said "It's really you and as for our mother well..she's like she usually is.." They trailed off as I sweatdropped but I continued on and smiled at them. "So guys where is my hug I do simply believe we have a lot to catch up on." They all tackled me, and Haruhi sweatdropped. Once I was out of their hug I turned to the last two and shook their hands "Its nice to meet you!" I said cheerfully, they both answered at the same time "Likewise."

  With that I turned to haruhi and asked her a question "Tell me where is dad?" She got nervous and began fidgeting, she squeaked out, "He's at the house.." I exploded [like kachan] and spoke angrily and quickly "ALONE what were you thinking you know how he is when his alone!" She responded with "Lets go back!" I got calm and said "yes lets". Everyone looked at me like I'm crazy, which I'm not, insane is more like it but whatever let them think what they want. "So how did you get here?" I asked, she simply answered "They brought me here."  I replied "Well what are we waiting for, let's go! For all we know the apartment could be set on fire!" I exclaimed. We left the airport getting to the apartment a while later. I breathed a sigh of relief, the apartment isn't on fire what a relief. When we went inside I was instantly tackled and when I looked up I saw my dad bawling his eyes out. After celebrating my return we finally went to bed, and I told all of the "host club" that I would see them tomorrow. Oh boy I have a lot of explanations to do.

Well what do you guys think? I tried my best anyways here's the first chapter! The next chapter will be the explanations of exactly how Amalda knows the twins and honey and Mori. Stay tuned! Marine out! *flips hair dramatically*

Haruhi's sister?! Wait what ?! *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now