The secret

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Aikos pov
I slowly shook my head as if not to alert them. After all I have met them before. When they were young kids. But they can't know. For they can be in danger if I tell them. Erza stared at me suspiciously. "You look like someone i met when I was younger...." Erza said. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow feigning cluelessness. "This is the first time I'm meeting you." I said.

She still looked suspicious but she let it pass. Now onto more pressing matters...why the fu©k are they so tall??!! Except for honey, even only a few inches taller than him. I sulked and sat down on a couch with a book in hand ready to read. They all stared at me except for honey- senpai and Mori-senpai. I could feel their stares and so I turned around and magically had a cookie in my mouth. They sweatdropped and I smirked.

Slowly I stood up and looked outside the window seeing how it was nearing sunset. I froze and quickly gathered my things. "Sorry guys but I got to go! See ya!" I yelled as I ran out of the room hurrying down the hallway and finally leaving the school. I hurried and got onto my barley motorcycle and drove to my house.

As soon as I got there i ran into my room changing into a Victorian styled dress and transported to another dimension. Or in this case to black butler. I quickly walked into Ciel's home and then I slowed down into a saunter and sauntered in. I spotted Ciel immediately and casually walked over.

"Ciel, I give you my apologizes for being tardy. I had some things I had to deal with before coming here." I said elegantly. He nodded and said, "It is alright Lady Aiko. I also had a few things that needed my attention beforehand. Now lets go and start the 'meeting'."

I nodded and followed behind him as we went into the study.
Hey guys! Yes I know I actually updated! Haha Jk. Anyways hope you guys enjoy and if anyone is interested I just posted a Naruto various x reader fanfic! See ya guys next time!

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