My mother always told me that I was close to nature. How the forest was my home and that animals were my friends. My father loved her for that. I'm only in the 8th grade and I still feel the exact same way that I was in the 6th.
I loved my parents with all my heart and now my soul is full of anger. One day I came home from school and got news from my father. "Jana," he whispered not too quietly. "Your mother has passed away."
I began to cry. I couldn't sleep that night, all I could think about was my mother. The next day I was wishing that it was all just a dream and that my mother would be downstairs cooking breakfast, but she wasn't. All that was there was a note from her before she passed away. It was a letter and it stated:
Dear Jana,
I have been feeling really ill lately and I was scared to tell you. I love you so much sugar bug. By the time you get this letter, I should've passed by then. In our bedroom is a necklace with a golden charm shaped as a tree, I want you to have it. Promise me that you will never stop caring for nature and take care of every single animal along the way. Once again I want to say I love you.
SalamancaI promise...