prologue - a gift

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"Once upon a time, there was girl named Rose. Her favorite place to hide was in the woods. She loved how the pines reached the ever so snow falling sky. The way the wind would nip at her rosy cheeks. How the cold felt. But let me warn you of a danger that lurks in the shadows of the woods. His name was Wolf. He was very lonely because everybody saw him as a beast, a monster. And the more the people said it, the more he believed it. So he became very sad and lonely without anyone to be there for him. So he cries out to the only friend he had. The silver moon. Each night it was full, he would cry and cry pleading for the moon to take back his curse of being a beast. But the moon never responded and Wolf remained lonely forever. The End." Grandma explained as she cradled me in her arms.

The fire blazed and singed the brown wood in the fireplace. My father walked in with a mug of hot cocoa and handed it to me as I held it with my bony fingers.

"Come on,Mom. You're seriously telling her about Wolf? You told me that tale when I was a child and I never could find the Wolf." My father explained sitting on the black leather couch. I laughed and jumped out of my grandmother's arms.

"Dad! Does he really exist?" I asked crawling up to my Dad's side. My dad sighed and my grandmother eyeballed him.

"Yes,pumpkin. He does exist deep into the woods, its just I wasn't able to find him," My dad pretended. I nodded.

"Present time!!" Grandma smiled picking up a red box with a black ribbon. I laughed and crawled towards her feet.

"Here you go Rose," Grandma smiled handing me the beautiful box. I snatch it in excitement and rip open the box to reveal a soft red cloak. It was so beautiful my eyes couldn't leave it.

"I love it Grandma!!" I yelled as I hugged her tightly.

"I made it myself, made of special fabric and love," My Grandma replied smiling at my Dad.

"Well put it on," My Dad laughed. I lifted the cloak out of the box and handed it to my Dad. He wrapped it around me and tied it around my neck.

"Its a little big don't you think mom?" My Dad asked Grandma. The hood nearly covered my whole face and the length of it stretched to the back front of the couch.

"Well,you need a nickname. How about Little Red Riding Hood?" Grandma suggested. I smiled and twirled so as the red cloak swirled around me.

"Well, Grandma, thank you so much for the gift. I love it. Spending Christmas with you was great! But Dad, don't we have to head back home?" I asked turning towards my Dad who was sitting on the couch gripping a steaming mug.

"Unfortunately, yes we do. Thank you for having us over mom. The food was delicious." My Dad answered standing up and placing the mug on the kitchen table.

I place the red cloak back into the box and hug my grandma goodbye. My Dad and I get into the car that we came in as we wave goodbye.

We drive back passing a deep forest on the way. And I could've sworn I seen a big furry tail in it.

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