Untitled Part 1

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Christian Payne was a handsome pale-looking man in his twenties' with short blond hair which fell gently on his forehead covering a part of his pleasant face. His eyes were a dark, velvety blue marked here and there by white spots caused by the reflection of the shy morning light. They were so intense that they alone could tell the story of his entire life without the necessity of using any words. For that very special occasion, he was wearing a navy-blue coat with matching trousers and a brown, fabric hat. His shoes were so brightly polished that you could observe the sky by only looking at the reflection on them. He came out of his car and the harsh winter breeze invaded him as if welcoming him to that precious city. Edinburgh gave him a positive feeling of a new start but, far back in his mind, a sense of fear and suspicion started to rise. 'What if the workplace is really horrible?' 'And what if my co-workers are not friendly at all?' 'And what if...' All of the what-ifs were really tormenting him that dull Monday morning. The towering buildings which stood alongside the street were so ancient that plants dominated the roof and the exterior walls while the bricks were decaying as they were consumed from the wind and the acidity of the rain. The bare trees were glaring at him with a doubtful look. Finally, after a five minute walk, the door, which could change his life, was standing ahead of him. And in front of the door, was a woman.

"Welcome. We were expecting you." She spoke with a dry, American accent. Her lips made the most imperceptible movement and her microscopic, pea-sized black eyes scanned Christian from top to bottom. Then, she gestured with her left arm, without producing any sound, to guide him in. The room was cold as the woman. It wasn't at all welcoming. "Please follow me to the meeting room. There you will meet your boss, Mr Perkins"


"Good morning Mr. Perkins. I am very glad to meet you." The anxiety and tension in my voice is building up more and more. This is my LAST opportunity to find a job.

"I'm sorry to tell you, Mr. Payne, that it's afternoon now. In fact, it's already one o'clock" Mr. Perkins smiled contentedly, as if he's enjoying himself seeing that, as I am tense, I made a thoughtless mistake.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir. Time passes so quickly... doesn't it happen even to you sir?" It's stronger than me, I can't stop myself sweating and becoming paler and paler.

"Oh yes! It happens even to me. Mr. Payne, you seem to have a dread of me....There is no need of being scared. This is just an informal meeting to know you better. Just like friends..."

"Oh, yes, sure, I'm sorry" Mr. Perkins is a generous person after all... my feelings about people are NEVER wrong. Although, he seems too gentle to be my boss...

"I've assigned you to the research department. You can start right now, if you like. However, would you be gentle enough to go into the bathroom and wash your hands? We don't want ANY germs entering into an area where hygiene is SO important, do we?" As he shakes my hand, I can feel his muscle contracting at the touch of my hand and his skin feels like thin paper which is about to break. He suddenly clutches my hand tighter and I initially shiver. Then I feel a strange pleasure coming through the tip of my fingers and transmitting to the rest of my body. A faint smell of rotten eggs comes to me.

Paragraph 3

As I walk, I notice a particular that I haven't noted before: I have not seen ANY people in this place other than Mr. Perkins and the American woman. This is truly strange. Then, I look at the walls and notice the bright red colour. It's the most vivid colour I have ever seen, it almost seems alive... Next, I encounter a white door with written "BE" on it and, as if attracted by a supernatural power, I automatically open it and step inside. I'm feeling stranger and stranger. It's like an invisible force is pushing me into this small room. Almost immediately I notice the peculiarity of this bathroom: it has no loo, no towels, no decoration, no sink... nothing! There is only a bright white bath in the centre of the room. The paranormal power is starting to act again and it pulls me to the edge bath, it forces me to open the tap and put my hands into the hot water. I feel my legs shaking and starting to collapse. The pleasure I felt before when I shook Mr. Perkins' hand has returned. I automatically look at my right hand and gasp: small holes are starting to form and the blood is dripping into the bath. I look at my left hand: the same thing is happened to it. Steam is rising from my hands but I can't feel any pain. I can sense a faint smell of rotten eggs... My head feels cottony and I'm confused. My capacity of breathing is starting to decrease drastically. Suddenly I collapse into the bath and the door opens: Mr. Perkins is standing in front of it. "Why did you take so long to come in the bathroom? I was waiting for you!"

"You want to kill me! You monster! I will not let you..."

"Shhh... don't waste breath. You can't do anything about it now. It's over. Didn't you know that B.E stood for 'blood extraction'? You're stupider than I thought."

Then, I saw my life pass in front of my eyes. This time, my feelings about Mr. Perkins were wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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