chapter 12- The father

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This chapter was written my friend @PanicItsSpailpin and edited by moi,thanks Spailpín!

"What?!" Simon,Stephen and Brec said astonished.
"Em,yeah,yes you are pregnant.
"But,how could I be Pregnant!" Brec said her face pale.
Simon laughed and they all stared at him.
"Brec,please you sleep with someone new every week." simon said.
"Yeah,but like I'm careful." Brec said.

"Oh no,someone forgot to put a condom on...." Simon sang.
"SHUT UP ,SIMON!!!"Brec shouted at him.
"please,no" Stephen whined.
Brec thought for a moment,she knew the hospitals could trace the parents of the baby on their new computers.

"Who," she said menacingly, "the FUCK has gotten me pregnant? Bitch, tell me right now before i fucking call my fucking parents."

"Well," Dr. Cassidy said, "it seems here that," she rifled through her notes, "em, a certain person,i dont know if you know him, Stephen-"

"FUCK WHAT!?!?!?" Simon shouted.

"W H A T T H E F U C K!?!?!?" Stephen shouted.

"FUCK WHAT I NEVER SLEPT WITH HIM HE'S GAY!" Brec screamed louder than them all.

(A/N i am really sorry if this offends anyone i love gay people but im not gay myself so im sorry)

Simon turned to Stephen. "I was right. I was fucking right. You fucking slept with her you bastard." Simon wasn't angry. He was livid.

"No! No i didn't sleep with her! Simon you gotta believe me!"

Simon was cold when he answered. "Two things. One: that sounds like a cheesy line from a corny movie and two: why the fuck would i believe you, you little manwhore."

Simon stormed out.

Stephen and Brec stood there,still looking at the door as if Simon would come back through them any minute. Then all of a sudden Brec slammed Stephen againts the wall,she was not happy.
"BREC GET OFF ME YOU BITCH!"stephen exploded at her.
"PLEASE,YOU TWO STOP AT ONCE BEFORE I CALL SECURITY!" Dr. Cassidy tried to break them appart,but the didn't listen.

"Stephen," Brec whispered menacingly," Meet me at my house,you've got some fucking explaining to do." With that She stormed out.

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