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someone used my acc and change everything.. even my password.. "just you, my love" is now gone.. pls... stop it...

BTW, if u want me to continue this smut book or that exo lyrics.. u can just dm me n yeah send ur request.. yes my eng is not that good like u all... i try my best to learn okay? sorry though..

btw let me just tell u what.. that person change my password to "fuckyoubitch" .. i recieved one msg from dis anonymous.. [ that time i reset my password already ] she/he said that ______ this is my password ... then i ask why u did this to me.. and that anon answered " BECAUSE I HATE UR ENGLISH, URE NOT EVEN EXO-L DONT EVEN DARE TO MAKE A STORY ABT EXO! FUCK U.. BETTER DEACTIVATE THIS ACCOUNT BEFORE I MAKE A STORIES ABOUT YOU!"...
Why? okay .. u want me to stop? really? sure.. bye.. yeah, hate me as much as u can/want...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2015 ⏰

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