Finding You Again

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It’s hard to believe in love until you fall in love with someone who deserve you. At the moment you find such one, you will feel the magic around. You will get the weird  feeling of knowing him from somewhere, you will feel an invisible connection, you will start to believe in the things you had never before. Does this happened to you? If yes, check out whether the poem written here conveys the feel you exactly gone through.

I’ve never believed in soul mates
or in something I can’t see,
but we have a deep connection
now I believe in destiny.
How can I feel I know you?
There’s so much I need to say.
My God… I think I love you-
What makes me feel this way?
No longer am I denying
what is so damn plain to see,
I just can’t keep from thinking
that God created you for me.
And I know that you can feel it
deeper than your blood and bone,
So come over here and love me
make this empty heart your home.
We’re not getting any younger-
I’m just waiting for a sign.
Why go looking any further?
Let our two lives intertwine.
If you look into my eyes
you’ll see lives we lived before.
We’ve had so many lifetimes
and there will be ten thousand more.
I yearn to kiss those lips again,
place my hands upon your skin,
breathe you in with all your glory,
then do it all again.
I’ve never been more certain
what I feel just can’t be wrong.
I know you are the soul mate
I’ve been searching for so long.

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