Learning to let the past go.. (Harry Styles)

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Right now I am playing hide and seek with my big brother Liam, far as big brother goes Liam is the best.

Always looking out for me. Him and dad are always so protective of me.

My dad, he is my best friend him and Liam they are all I need in my life. Mum and I aren't really that close. I mean sure I love her to bits but we just never clicked I always tried but she didn't.

"Charlotte haha" I hear a voice whisper

I turn around and see no one, then I see my 10 year old brother. Liam was always so cute. Be has with short brown hair and brown eyes he looks so much like my mum. Li always acted bigger than his age. he always looked after me at school, making sure no one picks on me at school and always taking responsibility at school.

Liam was like my dad always looking after me, Dad would always take us out and would always treat us to things mum didn't allow us to have, them to were the best.

Sometimes when we had those moments I felt bad mum couldn't be there but she would prefer to be with her friends, we didn't mind. you could see it sometimes bothered my dad but he always put on a smile for us that's why I loved him so much.    

But me I was a spitting image of my dad and that's the way I liked it. I had long wavy brown hair and blue eyes a very rare combination but it suited me.

A huge smile breaks out on my Face when I see my brother, then I quickly lose it when I hear my mum yelling at my dad.

My hair whips around when I turn quickly around and in the kitchen you can see my mum yelling at my dad and dad giving her a pleading look.

My dad absolutely adored my mother, but I see that she doesn't love him as much if she even loves him and I am 8 years old.

"Come Charlotte lets go in the cubby house" Liam pleads, he always does this so I don't see or hear.

"Liam why doesn't mum love dad?" I look up at Liam with teary eyes.

"She does Charlotte it is just adult stuff" Liam pulls he into a huge hug.

I feel another pair of hands join the hug, I look around and see dad has joined in.

"I love you guys so much" dad says with so much sincerity in his voice.

"We will always be together forever" dad promises and I have no doubt that he was lying.

Learning to let the past go.. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now