Boy i hate my life

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Waking up by being yelled out is the best wake up call. Heavy on the sarcasm..

I stretch my muscles and get up if not mum will come back up. I get ready for another day of school. I hate school I don't even know why I go, I get kicked out of most of my classes anyways.

It is probably because mum makes me go to school so she can screw her boyfriend of the week and do as many drugs she can do while I am out of the house. Not that when I am in the house she stops taking them. She leaves me to look after her and I don't even know why I do she doesn't deserve it.

I guess you could say a lot has changed since Liam left to be in his work famous boy band "one direction"

Boy he couldn't get out if here fast enough not that I blamed him but the thing that hurts me is that he didn't even hesitant and he didn't think of me at all.

We got a few phone calls if we are lucky he is too worried about his band then about me.

When he found out dad had cancer the phones calls got rarer and rarer and eventually they stopped.

The day I found out about dad is the day my heart finally broke in two.


"DAD IM HOME" I yell as I walk though the door

I get no response which is weird because his car is in the driveway.

"Dad where are you ?" I try again

Still no response.

He s probably upstairs asleep I skip up the stairs and make my way to his room.

I crack the door open to see dad fast asleep on his bed, poor bloke has been worked out.

Mum has him doing all these things around the house for him she doesn't even give him any slack.

I turn around to leave, so I can go get a start on my homework.

When something catches my eye in the bin, it is a white letter and I can see the name of the hospital on the front.

I quickly grab it out of the bin and rip it open and scan though it, as a scan though it tears build in my eyes.

"Charlotte?" I hear my dad yawn, I look to see him rubbing his eyes but his face drops when he sees the tears flowing down my cheeks. His eyes travel down the letter in my hand and his face breaks into a sad expression. I can't help but sob more when I see it.

"Daddy..daddy tell me this isn't true. Tell me you haven't got cancer tell me" I beg

That's when I notice the few tears running down my dads face. That very moment I knew it was true, my dad was leaving me.

When Liam left it absolutely killed me and now dad is leaving too I don't know if I would be able to do this.


Look up in the mirror and thinking of that at brings tears into my eyes, I never can think of memories to do with my dad without getting tears.

I hop in the shower and quickly wash myself. I quickly grab a towel and walk to my closet.


I sigh heavily and scan my wardrobe, I throw on some light skinny jeans and a blood red tank top and my leather jacket and run down the stairs.

My relationship with my mum wait scratch that I don't have a relationship with my mum.

See my wonderful mother likes to remind me everyday how much she hates me and doesn't go a day without telling me.

She also tells me how no one will love me, and she should have drowned me as a kid, and I took dad and Liam from her, or even how se wishes I would die.

My mum is a cold hearted bitch.

I walk into the kitchen to see my mum and her friends a round the table.

They all look up as I walk in and I make sure my face is emotionless as it normally is.

"What the hell took you so long, it's not like you are going to get pretty anytime soon" my lovely mother says with a sneer.

"Hey at least I don't look like a drug addicted" I resorted back.

Like lighting my mum is up and slaps me in the face hard.

" who are you to judge me, you stupid whore. Your brother ran as fast as he could out of his so he didn't have to be around you and your farther died just so he didn't have to look at you everyday" she said with a smug face.

I made sure to keep mine emotionless and act like that didn't hurt.

It was now my turn to retaliate, I grab her wrist and pull her to me. She is so off her face that she just falls into me.

"Don't you dare talk about my father he loved you so much and you treated him like shit you were never there for him though the whole cancer thing. While you were out screwing other men I was there for him everyday with him while you weren't, he wanted to give you everything but you never let him. Don't start on me with Liam, don't you dare act like you were ever a mother to him" I pushed her away and stormed out of the house

What a great start of the day..


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2013 ⏰

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