4 | Run Away

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"Shit" Jungkook mumbled under his breath. He'd made a mess. how was he going to clean this up? Never mind, he'll just burn the clothes. He can't exactly wash them out, can he? And no, he hasn't just stabbed someone to death. The blood is his own. It's strange how so much blood from just a few small cuts. Well, to be perfectly honest, there weren't a few; there were covering his arms and thighs. And they weren't small, he cut pretty deep. He was weak and finally gave in to his only friend; his blade.

Jungkook was completely alone. He sat in front of the fire on a dusty, moth-eaten couch and sighed. He was all alone, in the dark, in the middle of an abandoned parking lot. He heard rustling in the woods beside where he was sitting and snapped his head towards the noise. there was boy emerging from the forest. He looked like he was in pain. The boy walked over to whee Jungkook was sitting and pulled out a stack of photos, tied together by a worn piece of rope. One by one he tossed them into the fire that Jungkook made, looking at each one and smiling before burning them. Jungkook stayed silent, studying the boy's body language. Jungkook hadn't seen his face yet, but he could tell that the boy was crying. he saw snippets of the pictures in the boy's hands and was surprised. They were of the boy, I could tell by the orange hair. some had pictures of others in as well, he waited to throw those ones in last. Once he'd finished burning his memories, he plopped down on the dirty couch, right next to Jungkook. It was only a small couch so the boys didn't have much room, although Jungkook didn't mind. He was interested by the boy and wanted to know more.

"Why are you burning pictures of yourself?" Jungkook said bluntly, curious as to what the mysterious boy's business was.

"I don't want this life anymore. I'm getting rid of any proof that I ever lived anymore and then it's time for me to go. My life is a waste. Everyone I ever knew was ashamed of me. I don't want anyone to remember me. I just want to disappear." the boy said, obviously taken aback by how he just opened up to a boy he'd never met before.

"Me too." Jungkook replied shortly.

"Small world." the boy laughed, dryly.

Jungkook didn't understand why, but he suddenly felt drawn towards the boy. Like it was fate that they met. He wanted to take the boy in and look after him. He wanted to care for the boy and kiss his forehead and tell him that everything would be okay in the end. He pictured himself sitting in their shared apartment, sipping teas and talking about how much they wanted to get a pet. He imagined the two walking through a park, finding a spot of grass underneath a cherry blossom tree and enjoying a picnic while he played with the boy's hair. Jungkook wanted all of that so badly, but he didn't know why. he hadn't even learnt the boy's name and he already wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. Jungkook was shocked when he heard himself say, "Disappear with me."

The boy just blinked at Jungkook.

"Disappear with me." Jungkook repeated, moving closer to the boy and grabbing his hands. "Let's run away. Start a new life...together."

Jungkook realized how blunt and odd he was being, but he didn't care. He had to be with this boy.

The boy stared at Jungkook. He then closed his eyes and a single tear rolled down his cheek. The boy nodded and hugged Jungkook tightly. Jungkook hadn't realized that he was also crying until they pulled away and he saw that the boy's shoulder was slightly wet.

"M-my name is Kim Taehyung." the boy managed to say, hiccuping from crying so much.

Kim Taehyung

Kim Taehyung

Kim Taehyung

Even his name is perfect. Jungkook thought to himself.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook. I will look after you if you look after me." he smiled.

"Okay Jungkook, I pinky promise that I will look after you and never leave you." Taehyung held out his pinky finger and flashed a beautiful rectangular grin. Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's sudden childishness and linked his pinky with the other's.

The two boys stayed there all night, talking, laughing, crying. They enjoyed each other's company. Jungkook felt odd. All night he felt himself constantly moving closer to Taehyung. But Taehyung didn't mind. In fact, he desperately wanted to hold the other in arms forever, as if Jungkook was his and he was Jungkook's.

This is the start of their life together.

Hello hello hello! I hope you enjoyed this one shot, I have plans so make into a full chaptered story in the future so stay tuned! Also, check out my best friend's story: vkook ; oneshots and make sure to leave her loads of nice comments and votes. Have a nice day?night and I will update again tomorrow. Saranghae <3

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