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So everyone in our school got invited to a party at one of Carter's friends house. I put on some short shorts and a tank top. I put on my puma shoes and put my hair up into a pony tail. I put on a pendent necklace and a light coat of make up. I came downstairs and Daniel's mouth dropped. he was looking at my legs and then my chest. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a water and sat up on the counter. Daniel came in the kitchen.

"Where is Carter?" I asked.

"Upstairs getting ready" He answered. I nodded. He walked in between my legs and pulled my butt closer to him. My face was an inch away from his. He put his hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. I grabbed his sides and his hand moved to the back of my head. He pushed my head closer to him. I lightly moaned and his other hand grabbed my butt. He bit my bottom lip and then pulled away. I was breathing hard and I kept my eyes on his lips. He lightly pecked my lips and then my forehead. I closed my eyes.

"Go change now" He said. I opened my eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"You're showing too much skin" He answered.

"And?" I replied.

"I don't want other guys hanging on you" He responded.

"I'm not changing" I said. He bent his head and attacked my neck. I gasped. I closed my eyes when he started kissing my neck. He moved down to my collar done and sucked on it. He pulled away and looked down at it. He smirked.

I turned towards the mirror on the fridge and my mouth dropped at the big ass hickey he just gave me.

"Now you have to go put something else on or risk your brother seeing it and guys at the party to see it" He said. I pushed him away and went upstairs. I went over to my clothes and grabbed a crop top. I put it on over my tank top and went downstairs. Carter was down here with Daniel. Daniel nodded his head at me and I shook mine.

"Let's go" Carter said. I nodded and we got into moms car that she was letting us use.

"We need to pick up some of the guys" Carter said.

"There's not much room back here" I replied.

"It's three guys how hard can it be?" Carter responded.

Well it was very hard. I ended up sitting on Daniels lap in the back. He kept his hands on my hips and he didn't move them anywhere else. I took a deep breath. When we got to the party everyone got out and I climbed off his lap and across the seat because that door wouldn't open. I found that out when we got to the one house. I got out of the car and he grabbed my hips. I stood there and felt him kiss my lower back. He let me go and I walked away from him. He got out and closed the door.

It was loud and there were people grinding on others. In one corner there were people half naked making out and in another corner there were people getting high. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Daniel quickly took it out of my hands.

"Don't grab any of the bottle waters" Carter said.

"Why?" I asked.

"They drug the waters" Daniel answered.

"If you want something to drink then get it from the tap or get a soda and clean the top of the can really good" Carter replied.

"Why would people drug drinks?" I asked.

"To take advantage of girls" Daniel answered. I looked at him. I looked at the ground. I grabbed a can of soda and went to the sink. I grabbed a napkin and cleaned the top of the can the best I could. I opened it and Daniel took it from me. He took a drink and licked the part where I would take a drink from.

"It's clean" He said giving it back to me.

"What makes you think that I wanna drink that now?" I asked. Carter laughed.

"If you get another one then one of us are going to keep doing that so you don't end up in a bed with no clothes on and a guy taking your virginity" Daniel answered.

"What makes you think I am a virgin?" I replied.

"Come on enough with the games" Carter responded looking at me. I shook my head and looked at Daniel. Carter walked off to a girl and Daniel grabbed me. He pulled me to the bathroom and shut the door.

"You're not one?" He asked.

"That's my business" I answered.

"And mine" He replied.

"How?" I responded.

"Because you're mine" He said.

"Wrong. I'm Carter's sister. No guys can touch me or look at me without him getting mad" I replied.

"I did" He responded. He pulled on my crop top and he pulled it off.

"The proof of someone touching you is right here and he didn't know" He said touching my hickey. I moved from his touch.

"I think I'm going to walk home" I replied. I grabbed my top and put it back on. I opened the door and walked out. I rushed out of the house and walked to the sidewalk. I didn't look back. I just kept going until I got home. I went up to my room and took my shoes off. I tossed them with my other shoes and took off my crop top. I went to my bed and got on it. I lied down and put my head in a pillow. I jumped when I felt someone get on the bed. I looked and saw Daniel hovering over me. I turned and he lied down on top of me. His head was on my chest and I played with his hair. He kissed my chest and wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and slowly went to sleep.

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