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A/N okay so this is my own creation so it is not going to exactly flow with the Merlin TV show timeline and some of the characters might also be changed and there are going to be a lot of errors.

Morgana tucked back a hair. She had never been so nervous in her entire life. Today was the day. She was going to do it. She was going to tell Uther of her powers. She had known for quite some time that she had magic, but she didn't know what to do. She knew how much Uther hated magic, but she couldn't keep this a secret any longer all she could do was tell him and hope for the best.

"My lady," Morgana heard a voice say she turned around from her mirror and looked at her serving girl Gwen.

Morgana admired Gwen. Gwen came from a poor family. It was just her and her father. Morgana remembered her mentioning a brother, but she had never met him. Even though Gwen came from a life of poverty she still managed to be happy. Morgana often times found herself comparing Gwen to the sun because she was so bright and free and she also had a tendency to make men go blind.

"Yes, Gwen? What is it?" Morgana asked

"I was wondering what you would like to wear today,"

"Oh- I think I can dress myself today if you don't mind," Morgana said. She didn't want anyone's help today she wanted to achieve everything herself.

"Of course, My Lady," Gwen said then she curtsied and left

Morgana opened her wardrobe. She looked at all the beautiful dresses she had. She had dresses of every color under the sun and yet she always wore the same ones.

"No point in breaking tradition," Morgana thought and picked out a green dress she had worn too many times already.

Morgana managed to do up her dress and walked out the door. She was ready to do this. To tell Uther. She had never been more determined to do anything in her life. She was-

"AAAAAAAAH," Screamed Morgana as she fell. Looks like she was so determined she wasn't watching where she was going.

"Oh I'm so sorry," said a voice

Morgana looked up to see a handsome stranger. He had pale skin as white as the clouds and eyes so blue she almost thought she was by the ocean. His hair was so dark it reminded her of a clear night sky. He had high cheekbones so sharp she wanted to touch his face.

"Erm hello?" The man said

Morgana realized that she had been staring at the man's face without saying a word.

Merlin looked at this strange girl. She looked like a noble, yet she was sitting on the ground without saying a word. Maybe she was mute, but she would still move her hands or something wouldn't she? What if she was hurt? What if she fell so hard she forgot how to speak? Oh god! His first day on the job and he had already managed to disable someone. Merlin felt like he was about to fall himself

"Sorry," the girl said

"Oh Thank God," Merlin thought

"She speaks," Merlin said

The girl simply smiled more out of courtesy than amusement it seemed.

"My apologies for walking so fast I was in a hurry you see and I-" The girl started as Merlin helped her up

"No need for apologies the blame is all mine I sh-" Merlin started but was interrupted by a voice

"MERLIN," the voice shouted

"Here we go," thought Merlin

The voice belonged to none other than prince Arthur who started to approach Merlin and Morgana

"Your first day on the job," Arthur began "And it seems you're trying to find a wife," Arthur said as he saw Merlin's hand holding Morgana's

"Sire- I- It- It's not like tha-" Merlin tried to say

"Dear Arthur if you could use that enormous head of yours for one moment you might come to the conclusion that this kind man was simply helping me up when I fell," Morgana said

"It is because I have a head, dear Morgana, that I can come to the conclusion that that is not what happened" Arthur said mocking her

"Why do you always see the worst in people Arthur?" Morgana asked

"Because that is all there is to see morgana,"

Morgana had nothing to say to this so Arthur continued

"Merlin there is a stack of clothes in my room that need to be cleaned and please while you're there don't help up anymore fallen women," Arthur said

"Yes sire," Merlin said he looked at Morgana and then walked away

Morgana watched the poor boy walk away after he had just been humiliated.

"Why are you so cruel, Arthur?" Morgana asked still watching merlin

"Cruel?" Arthur inquired watching her watch merlin

"Embarrassing the poor boy," Morgana looked back at arthur

"He is my servant. That's how servants are supposed to be treated,"

"I never treat Gwen like that,"

"You're lucky,"

"He's your servant?" Morgana asked just realizing what arthur had said

"Yes, Problem?" Arthur asked

"No I just hadn't realized you got a new one that's all,"

"To be quite honest I'm not very fond of him. He called me a royal prat," Arthur said

Morgana broke into laughter

"Well at least he calls it like he sees it, I like him," She said

"Not too much, I hope. We know what happened to the last one," Arthur said

Morgana's smile melted and she changed the subject.

"Do you have any idea where Uther is?" She asked

"Why," Arthur asked

"I need to speak with him about something"


"None of your business,"

"You can tell me,"


"C'mon Morgana, we're friends,"

"Unfortunately. Listen can you just please tell me where Uther is," Morgana said growing tired of Arthur's games. Arthur laughed.

"Come with me Morgana,"

He took her hand and led her to the throne room.

"Here we go," Thought Morgana "I'm finally going to tell him,"

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