Bloody eye

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This is just too confusing. What's going on ?.

Uncle max walked slowly out of the room.

The snooze on the alarm reminded of uncle Maxs words...
I rushed downstairs. Uncle Max was just about to sit down for breakfast.

I grabbed burnt toast from his plate ran out of the before he could say a word.

We lived in a big farm , with a few livestock . School wasn't really that far... just about 3 miles away

I grabbed my bicycle, as I was going down the muddy road .I couldn't help but notice a blood trail that lead to the cloudy forest
Curiosity kicked in I place down my bike ,jumped over the barrier. I walked slowly towards the blood trail ...but there was no source ...No dead body.

I guess it limped away.

I turned slowly towards the road,took a few steps and suddenly there was just a feeling that someone or even worse something was watching me.
I tried to resist looking back but I couldn't . I turned as fast as i could hoping that i could catch what was behind me off guard.
There was nothing , even the trail of blood was not there .

What's going on here?. Am my lossing my mind ?.

I turned towards the barrier and Uncle Max was next to my bike. He was just staring at me . I walked back towards the barrier.

He's red eyes got wider and wider , he wasn't even blinking . The last time i saw him like this was when they found 5 bodies with unusual marks on them

"Devon what are you still doing here?"

I didn't want to respond to him , cause his practically a lie dictator
"Devon follow me !"

We walked towards an old building on the farm , it smelled like an old butcher house .

He opened a hidden door on the wooden floor . It's was not so welcoming . The darkness seemed to be endless and the dull colour on the wooden walls was not helping.We walked down the stairs.

"Wait here !"

I waited as he walked into the dark . I could feel his every step as he walked away .The wooden floor kept making a very faint high pitched sound with every step.

A row of candles came alight one by one to the last one that was just above my head . You would would swear it was just on big illusion.

I looked towards where uncle Max disappeared to . There was nothing . He wasn't there .

I walked slowly to a table in the middle of the basement. It was made out old rotten oak tree wood , with a couple of old metallic kitchen wear on it . It was very busty with spiders crawling up the rotten chairs

"Uncle Max !?. Where are you ?" I shouted

The only respond I got was dead silence.I looked around and kept on calling him out .

Suddenly there was movement coming from the dark , next to the old book shelves.

"Uncle Max is that you ?."

Still no respond . The figure in the dark start to walk slowly out towards me . It's eyes were glowing with a very deep fiery red colour, it had big pair of sharp teeth on its upper jaw.
It's start to take human form walking up right as it got closer and closer.

It was uncle Max , but he was different he had an ugly scare just below where his heart should be.

"Devon take a seat "

His voice has never been this assertive . What's going on ?.
I set down on one of the fragile chairs hoping it won't crumble under my body weight. He set on the opposite end of the table . Felt like one of those CSI moments.

"Devon you are not what you think you are !." He said.

"What do you mean uncle Max?"

Waiting for his respond was killing me. What does mean by that .

"You are not human ?."

The was a big silent paues as if time its self had stopped. I looked at him with shock and confusion.

"You are a werewolf ". He said

I stood up with confusion .I started laughing as a way to try and make sense of everything i've just heard .

"...shut up and sit down !"

He's eyes were flaming. Voice louder than the confusion in my head.

I sat down slowly still puzzled by the news that i'm not human .I'm not what i always thought was the worst creation by any god.

The fear of the unknown slowly creeped in,so if i'm not human what a my?.

Uncle Max stood up from his seat. He walked across the room towards the book shelf. He slowly brushed his fingers against the old busty books as if he was feeling for a center feel of a book, after brushing a few books he stopped .

He started cleaning the old book ,then he moved it, and behind it was a strange triangular box, with a weird tribal figures gracefully infused within the metal material it was made out of .

He put it on the table ,claws slowly came out of his nails. He poked it in the middle and slowly turned his claw as if it was a key. The triangular figure started to open ,sharp blades came out.

He stood up again, walked towards the old fire place . He pushed a busty brick and it just cracked open. Behind it was s key slot. The triangular key slot was a perfect fit for the weird key on the table.

He walked back to the table , picked up the key. Gently , he pushed it in the slot , turned it several times. The wall behind the fire place moved a couple of inches back.

"Devon get your behind here! " he said.

He was strangling to push it open .

I stood up as quick as I could . We struggled to push open the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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