Chapter 1: Away Out

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A cold, dark night on the streets. With everyone screaming, me and my friends (Lucy, Jacob, and Daniel) are looking for a way out. But while Lucy's trying to stop Daniel from bleeding, we were almost certain we had to kill him. But Lucy had the gun. I look at Daniel on the ground, I could see him starting to change. I tell Lucy to forget about him, but she gets up and points the gun at me. What is wrong with her? Does she not know that in just seconds the boy she loved would just become a flesh-eating monster like the ones on the street? As those thoughts ran through my head I look at Daniel slowly getting up.

"Lucy...,sh-shoot him." I said with hesitation. Lucy looks at Daniel and starts to cry. "I-I can't.." Lucy says looking back at me. Jacob walks closer to Daniel. "Get away from him!" Lucy turns the gun towers Jacob and starts to laugh. "She's going crazy!" Jacob screams. "Shut up!" Daniel says trying to look at us. Then tries to speak. "Lucy..c-c- come h-here." Lucy turns around shocked. "NO LUCY!" Jacob screams with the gun still pointed towards him.

"Come to me." Daniel begged Lucy. I could hear his voice changing. Lucy puts down the gun and dives into Daniel's arms causing him to fall back down. I look at Jacob to see him shack his head. "Why is she so stupid? I hope he kills her." Jacob says looking at Daniel and Lucy. "Are you okay?" Lucy whispers to Daniel. "I'm..turning, you have to go. I don't want to hurt you." Lucy starts to cry. "I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!" Lucy screams then hugs Daniel tighter. "I hate to..break up whatever y'all are doing here but, we have to go now because you being all loud and stuff just made them things outside find us." Jacob says trying to keep calm. Lucy looks at Jacob. "Then go, we don't need you! Hope you find something to kill them with." Lucy says to Jacob while smirking. "Lucy..are you sure you want to stay with him?" I said trying to change her mind. She looks at me then looks at Daniel. "I'm staying with him, leave us alone!" Lucy said tempted to follow. Then I feel a rage of anger shove throw me. "YOU KNOW HE WILL CHANGE YOU CAN'T-".

"Let's go!" Jacob screamed. I turn back at Jacob disappointed. Then Jacob takes my hand and we walked down a dim hallway.

"Oh, look a bamboo stick! We can use this." Jacob said happy to find something. "Yeah...ok cool." I said still feeling upset."Why is she doing this? We need the gun and I can't leave her behind like this, we have to go back, he might kill her!" I said feeling uncertain. "Shh." Jacob said while looking around. "What?" I whispered. "I think I heard something." Jacob said whispering back to me. Then he holds his long bamboo stick tighter and moves me behind him.

All of a sudden there was a loud scream in the distance behind us. "NO it-its not Lucy.. it can't be."I said looking back at where the screaming came from starting to cry. Then we hear three gunshots. I cover my mouth and look at Jacob. "Come-come on, we need to keep moving." Jacob said looking dazed.

"Heeeeeelp!!" Someone in the hallway screamed. Then we hear loud growling. "No, wait!" I said yanking my hand away from Jacob's hand still crying. "What!?" Jacob said looking back at me. "That could be Lucy." I said wanting to go back. "Yeah..your right,it..could be Lucy, Lucy turning into a monster!!" Jacob looks down the dim hallway. "Which is another reason why we should be running right now. So let's go before she catches up with us."

"But Jacob i-."

"NO, I AM NOT GOING BACK, SHE POINTED A GUN TOWARDS US! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK SHE WON'T KILL US?! IF YOU WANT TO GO BACK GO ON AHEAD. WHO'S STOPPING YOU!! " Jacob screamed stopping me from talking. Then he walks away without looking back. I watched him walk away while whipping my tears off my face, then he stopped. Why did he stop?

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