What The F**k

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Veronica's POV

"Come on V. The rest of the day is gonna be so fun!" Ryan yelled.

"But I'm so tired I just wanna sleep!" I said covering my head with the blankets.

"Please V. It's gonna boring without you."

I sighed before closing my eyes.

"Bitch." Someone said.

I instantly shot out bed and slapped the three guys in my room.

"Whoever said that better confess the fuck up." I said pointing my fingers at them.

Chris and Ryan pushed Wee-Man forward.

I glared at him before falling back over in bed.

"Come on. We're gonna go to the mall and mess with people it's gonna be so fun."  Chris said.

"Please just let me sleep." I said.

I heard sighs before they all left my room.

I finally relaxed in my bed letting my music help me sleep. But before I could finally get to sleep, someone knocked at my door.

"It's open!" I yelled from under my blankets.

The door opened revealing a shirtless Johnny.

"Hey. How come you're not with the guys?"

"I need sleep." I said trying to keep my eyes open.

He sat down on my bed and I decided to sit up.

"So how come you're not with the guys?" I asked rubbing my eyes.

"I just didn't wanna go. We all only had one stunt planned for the day which we already did and now we can't figure out anything else to do." He said shrugged his shoulders.

I nodded before I looked into his eyes.

"What?" He asked smiling at me.

"Nothing. Just looking." I said blushing.

He chuckled lightly before he sat closer to me.

"So how you liking Jackass so far?" He asked.

"I absolutely love it here. I'm getting along so well with all of you guys and everything you guys do an say just makes my stay with you guys even more fun." I say happily.

"Good." He said before comment up to me and pressing his lips against mine.

We lay down on the bed, while he hovers over me, and we just kiss. It feels more amazing than the kiss we shared this morning.

He set his hand on my waist while I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a deeper kiss.

He then trailed his hand down to me legs before sliding his hand in between my thighs.

He gently bit my bottom lip causing me to open my mouth a little more as he slid his tongue in my mouth.

I then felt his hand rise higher until he was touching my crotch. He then spread my legs as he got in between them, leaving his hand there.

What is he doing?

He then started rubbing it gently causing me to let out a soft moan.

Veronica stop this! He might have a girlfriend!

But if he doesn't then this is okay.

No it's not. Break the kiss! Break the kiss!

But I couldn't stop the kiss. And I couldn't stop his hand.

Everything in this moment just felt amazing and I didn't want to stop it.

Before anything more happened, Johnny broke the kiss. I quietly sighed to myself wishing he didn't.

He took his hand away from my crotch causing me to get really sad.

"Sorry." He said.

"For what?"

"For taking this too far. You probably have a boyfriend at home so I shouldn't be doing this." He said before standing up.

I quickly ran out of bed before standing right in front him so he wouldn't leave.

"I don't have a boyfriend." I said.

"You don't?" He asked a little confused.

I nodded before looking down at my feet biting my lip.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked quietly.

He didn't even hear you Veronica.

"No." He said setting his hands on my waist.

"Really?" I asked a little shocked.

He nodded before I smiled.

"Well uh I should let you go." I said moving out of his way.

"I could stay a little longer if you want." He said.

I looked into his eyes and almost got lost in them for a second.

"Only if you want to." I said shyly.

"Okay then." He said before grabbing my waist and pressing his lips against mine.

"Wait" He said breaking the kiss.


"I actually can't stay." He said.

I sighed sadly before he opened the door and left.

No goodbye? No see ya? No nothing? What the fuck!!

Hey guys. Sorry for a short chapter and for a crappy chapter. I wrote this before bed and I couldn't think of anything else so here's a shit chapter. But anyway thanks for reading! Keep voting and commenting! Love ya!😘

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