The After Math, Jonathan's P.O.V.

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"Hello Jonathan. Its a pleasure to meat you." Said a man with orange hair that resembled a lion, Shaking my hand.  "Welcome to hell. I'm Mephostopholies." He walked over and sat behind his desk and began looking through his filing cabinet  I shifted uncomfortable before sitting in one of his waiting chairs. I looked over to see sock standing off to the side. "I finally did it!" he said bouncing up and down. He seems so happy. The filing cabinet flew open and Mephostopholies began looking through the passing files. "Sock, why are you still here? Don't you have someone to be haunting?" sock froze for a second and then relaxed. "Oh yeah, Nanam.  I was planing on taking the next 5 minutes off to see who Jonathan gets to haunt then go haunt this random lady." He said rocking back and forth on his toes. Mephostopholies seemed to nod in approval before stopping the cabinet  "Here!" he said before pulling out a file. "...If one dies... go report... yatah yatah yatah... committing suicide .. Here. After one commits suicide due to haunting they are to haunt a loved one then to report to Mephostopholies for placement." I looked over at Mephostopholies who put the file back and grabbed another one."Alright Jonathan. Since you killed yourself because you were haunted by sock, you have to haunt the person you care about the most until they die." He looked through the new file he pulled out then his face froze. 

"Oh, well... this may be a bit problematic" He said

"what is it?" I asked

"Here, on your file. Its who you love the most."

"Yeah so?"

"Well, Its Sock."

I felt my face go red and dared myself to look over at sock. "J-Jonathan?" His face went red And he pulled his hat over his face. "I-I like you to." I heard him say, muffled by his hat. I was so happy. "Alright, that explains how you both ended up here." he said chuckling. I imeditley realized what he had said earlier and grew confused. "Wait, since i like sock, i have to haunt him. But he's already dead so what do I do?" Mephostopholies held his head in his hands "Well, just that. You have to haunt him till he dies, but since he's already dead, you get to haunt him until time ends, or, y'ah know, the big man in the clouds decides to kill everything." I laughed slightly and stood up and walked over and gave Sock a Hug. "Lets go haunt this weird cat lady." Sock said, holing my hand with a warm smile.

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