28. You and I

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After their little talk, Harry washed Louis' body and hair for him and got him out of the bath and not bed. Louis insisted on wearing Harry's clothes for bed so the Alpha fondly got him a top and hoodie of his own, giving it to Louis to wear along with a pair of his own trousers - since Harry's trousers wouldn't fit Louis, especially whilst the Omega was pregnant.

"I'll get dinner brought up to us today, we can eat it in bed, whilst watching a movie together if you want..." Harry spoke softly, helping his Omega into bed by picking up the corner of the duvet, pulling it back as he had his hand on the bottom of Louis' back pushing him gently to get into the kingsized bed.

"Thank you Haz... For everything," Louis nodded as he pulled the duvet over him and patted the spot next to him, indicating to his mate that he wanted him to sit there. Harry climbed onto the bed, getting under the duvet too, before wrapping his arms around his Omega. He reached out and grabbed the remote for the tv that was in the middle of the bed and shuffled a little to get himself and Louis a little more comfortable before turning on the TV and searching for Netflix. Once the TV loaded it up, Harry looked to Louis asking the one question that has a thousand answers...

"What do you wanna watch?" Harry asked Louis, who in return looked at him and looked away towards the TV before simply shrugging. Harry hummed knowing Louis wasn't going to pick anything, as his submissive-ness made it almost impossible for him to make a decision that Harry himself can answer. Harry knew that Louis was constantly trying to impress Harry, even subconsciously, which he found quite endearing if he was honest. "I'll pick for you then babe," Harry smiled and Louis looked almost relieved.

They ended up watching Jackass 3 - because who doesn't enjoy watching humans humiliate themselves? Whilst it was on, their dinner was brought up to them, Louis had one whiff of the roasted chicken and ran off to the bathroom gagging, Harry rushed straight after him asking him if he's okay and being concerned.

"I-" Louis threw up a second time. "Take out the chicken!" He said through a heave and Harry got up straight away and asked for the chicken to be taken out of the apartment. Once it was gone Harry opened a few windows to get rid of the smell and then went back to see how his mate was feeling now. Louis was washing his face and hands as Harry came in and announced that the chicken was gone and asked if he was feeling better. "I-I'm okay, sorry," Louis apologised.

"No need to be sorry for throwing up babe. You're pregnant, and you must be having a poultry aversion because of the chicken smell..." Harry explained to Louis as he hugged him.

"Can we eat something other then that then?" Louis asked softly and Harry nodded before helping Louis back into bed.

"I'll go and ask for something else to be cooked, I'll explain it to them don't worry," Harry smiled softly before leaving Louis to himself. Lou looked around the room and sighed, his legs hurt from staying in bed a lot, so he got up and started walking around the bedroom whist Harry was sorting out the dinner situation. Louis then thought about writing a list of things he was thinking about buying his pups. He went to his side of the bed to look for a notebook in the bedside table, upon not finding one, he went to his Alpha's bedside table and looked through that drawer for the notepad. He found it eventually and opened the book to land on a few pages of writing that was wrote in Harry's handwriting, Louis frowned wondering when he wrote so much and why, so sitting on the bed. He made himself comfortable before reading the couple of A5 pages that read:

'I hate knowing you're upset a lot, I hate that you feel pain - it kills me. But I don't mind listening to what makes you feel this way. I can't even move my lips and say anything to make you smile. But, I just want you to know that, life goes on and on. Forget about the past, focus on the future; people change even if memories don't - memories are lessons that we learn from. We learn form our mistakes, once you've made a mistake you can never go back in time to fix it so don't let a mistake from the past mess up your whole future. So, I want you to stay strong, I know you can go through all of these situations and any pain you are going through. I know you can do this. Just... don't think too much. You're perfect in everything, like everything. You're perfect. You mean everything to me, thank you for being there for me. You make me laugh, you make me smile like an idiot. I'm sorry I couldn't help you in your past, I wasn't there. But I want to be there to help you in the future no matter what. I'm so thankful for having a special person like you in my life. And, you always have me to talk to; just call me and I'll answer you. And, if you have no one to do something you want to do with; I'll do it with you. I promise to listen to your stories, to listen to your feelings, to listen to your ambitions. I dedicate my life to you. I believe in you and I care about you. You're special and I don't want to see you upset, I want to see you smile, I want to see you feeling real happy. I love you. You always have a purpose in life Lou, and you're the most important person in my life - if you don't believe me, I'll try to show you in time.'

Harry came in with a large smile on his face and Louis looked at him with a few tears running down his cheeks.

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