Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Marina, I want you to spy on those campers in the camp I'm sending you to." Gaia said. "But, aunty," I said (I call her aunty even though she isn't my aunt). "What if they try to kill me? I'm only eleven." "They won't kill you, Marina. They'll just think that you're just an innocent little girl." Gaia said. "Remember that time when that hellhound in the underworld and those snake people I forgot what they are called-" "Don't worry, dear. I'll take care of that." I nodded obediently. "Good girl. You know Marina, you're my favourite amount my other kids. You are like me own human daughter." I smiled and hugged aunty. She hugged me back before sending me to that camp.

I should've told Gaia to not leave me unconscious there. I hate feeling unconscious, it's like a nightmare. I rarely faint because I stop myself from doing it. Anyway, I woke up on a bed and a girl was looking down at me. She had blonde hair and gray eyes. She looked about 16 and very serious. When the big girl saw me she said out loud. "Chiron! She's awake." A man in a wheel chair goes beside my bed. "Hello, child. How are you feeling?" "Hi," I said in a tiny voice. I'm quite shy when meeting new people. "I'm fine, uh...sir...?" "I am Chiron, what is your name?" Chiron said. "I'm Marina." I replied. The old man, Chiron, looked at the blonde girl. "Annabeth, may you take her a-" "Chiron! I have to meet Percy in five minutes!" The girl, Annabeth, almost shouted. "I've noticed about you and Percy, Annabeth. You know that's against the rules, so, I'll have you two be separated-" "That's so unfair!" Annabeth said, standing up. "You cannot change my mind, Annabeth. It's been obvious now, you and Percy, have you noticed the kids are making ships names like, Percabeth-" "Chiron, why don't you call someone to take her on a tour. Why me always? And stop butting in my love-personal business!" With that Annabeth stomped out of the room.

"I'm sorry for that." Chiron said. "It's ok." I said. A girl with reddish hair and painted cloths came in and went to Chiron. "Chiron, is there are problem with Annabeth sir?" The girl asked, there's was worry in her voice. "Maybe." Chiron shrugged his shoulders. "Rachel, may you take Marina a tour around camp?" Rachel glanced at me. "Sure thing Chiron." She turned to me with a smile and held out her hand. "Nice to me you Marie." "Marina" I corrected and shook her hand. "Can you stand up?" She asked. I nodded. "Good, follow me. Lets begin out tour." I jumped out of the bed and waved at Chiron before heading off.

We walked to a place where teenagers were sword fighting. "This is the sword fighting area." Rachel said. I watched two kids fighting. The kid with jet black hair and sea green eyes was really good at this. He sidestepped and ducked easily as if he'd been doing this a million times.

"Who's that?" I pointed to the guy. "That Percy Jackson." Rachel said. "Hi Percy!" Rachel waved. The boy, Percy, was walking towards us. "Hey, Rachel. Have you seen Wisegirl?" Who's Wisegirl? I thought.

"Nope." "Who's the girl with you?" Percy asked, looking at me. "Oh, this is Marina." "Hi." I said. "Hey." Percy smiled. I heard a call and all campers put down their weapons. "What's happening?" "They're just getting inline for dinner." Percy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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