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Hallo! I am ze AWESOME Gilbert Beilschmidt. This is mein awesome story about my beloved Birdie. Or, Mr. Sunshine. It all started with me meeting him at his house. Well, I wasn't there to see him. I was there to see his brother, Alfred. We were in this little group, or trio. It was me, him, and another boy named Mathias. While Alfred and Mathias were running out the door to greet me, that's when I saw him. He just looked at me and gave a little wave. Of course, being the awesome person I am, I smiled and winked at him. He seemed to giggle and went on about his day. I couldn't forget him. He had the most violet eyes I saw, and the curl on his head was long and very curly. Later that day I talked Alfred about it.

"Hey Al?" I tried to not make it as casual as possible.

"Hm?" He looked up at me.

"What's your brother's name?" I looked at the stairs.

"Oh. It's Matthew. Why do you ask?" He tilted his head like a puppy.

"Oh, no reason. Just curious I guess." Next thing you know, a little blonde boy is hopping down the stairs. This is my chance to talk to him! I got up and slowly went after the boy, who I might say is really cute. He noticed me following him and I froze. We looked at each other for a moment before he smiled.

"Hi. I'm Matthew." He beamed a smile at me.

"Hey. I'm Gilbert." I gave a smile back.

"I know. Alfred talks about you all the time." He exaggerated the last part.

Who is this kid and why is he so cute? I must've said this out loud because the next thing you know is, "Well. I told you. I'm Matthew. I like my bear, my parents, my brother, pancakes with A LOT of maple syrup, and Canada. And thanks. You're cute too." He winked and laughed. His laugh was soft and sweet. It made me want to laugh too.

"Well. I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Gilbert. I like my grandfather, my little brother, my awesome bird, me, you, my bird, being awesome, being with my friends, messing with people, you, and Prussia." I hope he didn't hear the part about me liking him. "Wait. What was that? You like me? Wow. I've never been liked before! We're gonna be the best of friends! We can wear matching friend outfits and-" I cut him off with a hug. "Wow. You sure talk a lot for someone young." I winked at him and went over to where Matthias and Alfred were.

"Hey Alfred. Your brother seems to talk a lot." I smiled and remembered the younger male.

"Well that's weird." His eyebrows knitted together.

"Why is it weird?" I looked at him.

He looked at me. "Because he is usually quiet and shy."


I left later that day and told my friend Antonio all about it.

"I just met the cutest little violet eyed, one little curl that sticks out, usually shy but he talked to me a lot, little boy." I looked up at the sky and smiled.

"Wow. That's good. What's his name?" He looked up at the sky too.

"Matthew. Matthew Williams. He's Alfred's little brother."

"I've never heard of him. Must be new in town."

"Yeah. I guess." We then rolled down the hill and had a blast. But I couldn't stop thinking about him.

Mr. Sunshine ~PruCan~Where stories live. Discover now