Chapter Two

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My mind reeled, looking for that one memory that wasn't there. It made me dizzy how I couldn't remember something so important as this. An open doorway caught my eye as I paced through the room. I slowly entered the joined room and cautiously looked around. There was nothing unusual in the room, it was just a regular bathroom. So, I decided to take a quick shower before finding my way out.

After my short, much needed shower, I covered myself with a towel and reentered the room I awoke in. There was a pair of clothes laying at the bottom of the bed as if set out specifically for me, so I began to pull them on. The clingy black tank top blended in with the grey skinny jeans that were now covering my legs. A pair of boots were beside the bedside table, so I grabbed them too. They were made of leather and looked rather sexy on me. There was even a brush on the dresser across the room from the bed, in which I used to de-tangle my hair.

For a while after getting dressed, I stared at the door and began wondering what was on the other side of it. I could hear a clock ticking slowly as I sat there, staring at the exit. Images ran through my mind, and Drake was in many of them. Since I must have blacked out, he could have easily found and over powered my sister. He could have been able to kidnap us once again and continue his experiments. If he did kidnap us though, he'd have to be smarter than last time. Instead of locking us in a basement, he'd make us think we were free and give us our own rooms. My heart beat sped up at the thought of him even possibly getting us again.

I groaned in frustration and stomped towards the door and yanked it open, almost tearing it off of its hinges. To my surprise, it wasn't locked and I had run into someone who was on the other side. It wasn't Drake, nor was it my sister. Who had I fallen on and knocked to the floor? It seemed to be a boy, roughly my sister's age and he was clutching a knife. Quickly, I jumped up and snatched the knife from his hands and pressed it to his throat. His eyes widened in fright and he trembled with fear. yes, make him crumble at your feet. make the boy serve you and only you. 

I shook my head and held the knife firmly at his neck, "Who the hell are you?" Before answering, the boy began reaching inside his coat for something. I swiftly grabbed his wrist and shook my head, "Answer now, fight back later. If you want to even escape my grasp with your throat intact, you'll obey me. Now, don't make me ask again. WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!!!"

He gasped and stuttered, trying desperately to come up with the words he needed. "I- I- My name is- Preston. I'm a r- residence of t- this house, ma'am. P- please don't hurt me miss Shannen."

I lowered the knife, he knew my name and I could tell he was being sincere. So, now the questions were, where was I, where was my sister, and what was Preston reaching for in his pocket. I eyed him suspiciously again," Why did you have a knife, Preston? Were you going to try and kill me?"

He struggled to shake his head, as I was still holding him down. "I had the knife, so I could deliver the letter to you and you could open it easily." He pulled the letter out of his jacket and handed it to me.

I grabbed it and kept holding him to the floor. "Two more things, Preston. Where am I, and where is my little sister?"

Preston smiled, "Why, you're in the only place that accepts everybody and anybody who is willing to be accepted. our master, he brought you here for a reason. I hope you like your stay. As for your sister, she is currently with our guardian."

My head hurt, what sense did this boy make? None. I let him up and told him to return to his business and I'd find my way around later. Slipping back into the room, I cut open the letter he had handed me and began to read the finely printed words,

Dear Miss Shannen,

     I would like to explain how you came to be in my home. Our guardian heard screaming on his usual route of scouting the city, and upon hearing the screams, he jumped into action. He said never before had he seen such a blood bath and just two survivors were all he found out of the whole house. There were approximately fifteen victims other than you and your dear little sister, Ren. I'd like to eventually ask you what caused such a scene, but for now I must let you get used to the area. Please, as soon as you can, find the guardian by the name of Alexavier, he will be glad to help you learn to navigate around the place. Have a fair day, Shannen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2014 ⏰

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