The day you met

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Author's Note: Hi everybody! Thanks for checking out my NASCAR preferences series! I'm starting out with four of my favorite drivers (and I think they're pretty popular around here, from what I've seen). But if you'd like me to add a driver for you, definitely let me know! Also let me know if you have any situations or scenarios you'd like me to write about. Sometimes, writer's block strikes, and I can't come up with any ideas, so I'd love suggestions! These preferences are kind of long, so sorry about that! Anyway, hope you enjoy them, and please let me know what you think!

Joey Logano

"Hey, Y/N. There's a guy up front who's looking for a dog. Can you help him out?"

You looked up from the computer, and you couldn't help but laugh at what you saw. Your friend, Jasmine, had a kitten clinging on to each shoulder and what appeared to be their mother in her arms.

"Yeah, no problem," you said. Jasmine flashed a grateful smile at you before hurrying back to the cat room.

You made your way to the dog adoption area and quite literally ran into the guy Jasmine was talking about.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry," you muttered, lifting your head so you were actually face-to-face with him; he was almost a foot taller than you.

The guy had a big grin on his face, like he was trying to keep from laughing. "Don't worry about it."

You nodded and looked back down at your shoes, trying to hide the blush that had crept up to your cheeks. Why were you such a klutz?

"So you're looking for a dog? Do you know what kind you're thinking about?"

Focus on your job. Focus on the puppies. Don't focus on his smile, or the way he's looking at you right now.

"Yeah, actually. I'm looking for a bigger dog, probably about two or three years old?"

You forgot about your newfound crush after that. It really was all about the dogs, and you had the perfect one for this guy.

"Right this way." You headed to the back of the room where Frankie was. He was one of your favorites.

"So this is Frankie. He's a two-year-old Pit Bull mix..." You looked up and smiled. This was the best part: seeing someone's reaction when they find the dog they want. And judging by the fact Frankie had jumped up on his kennel door, tail wagging 100 miles an hour, he had found the human he wanted. Moments like this were the reason you had started volunteering at the Humane Society in Charlotte.

"Do you want to meet him?" you said. He turned to you with that same grin and nodded.

The three of you went to a socialization room. You went over Frankie's file, but it didn't matter what you said. This was it.

No one in the room--even Frankie--could stop smiling. You had just met this guy--you didn't even know his name--but seeing that he was just as crazy about dogs as you made you want to get to know him more. That smile didn't hurt either.

"So are you ready to fill out the paperwork... uh..."


"Joey. I'm Y/N." Then you glanced down at your nametag. "But, uh, I guess you already knew that."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I did. I'm ready."

You handed him your clipboard. "I'm glad you came in." You paused. "I mean, glad for Frankie, you know? He seems to like you." He ain't the only one, you thought.

"I can tell he likes you too." Joey cleared his throat, and suddenly seemed to be searching for his words. "Uh, maybe you'd like to, um, come visit him sometime?"

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