Matthew Espinosa (cute)

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Matt has been home for almost three weeks now. You've missed him like crazy, and worst he's gonna be gone for another week. You guys have face timed every night since the day he left.

He texted you constantly. Today he messaged you while you were going out for lunch with your parents. You still live with them because you can't find anywhere else to stay. You were 17. But Matt on the other hand had is own place and said you can stay there if you wanted

You wanted to but your parents keep saying not until you're 18. You thought it was pretty dumb, but you listened anyway. While you were out with them Matt texted you a picture of a envelope dated a few days ago. You were confused and asked him about it & all he said was check the mail then call me.

So after your lunch with them you all got home and you checked the mail. The envelope was there and you opened it, it was a plane ticket to LA where Matt was. You immediately called him

M- so you got the ticket?
Y- "yes! Why did you send me one?" You were very excited
M- "because I want you here with me. I miss you like crazy and this face timing isn't enough"
Y- "but what about my parents, I'm not sure they'll like the idea-"
M- "don't worry baby, I already talked to them about and they said it would be a good idea" he laughed
Y- "oh my gosh, really?"
M- "yes, now go pack and I'll be waiting at the air port for you. I love you"
Y- "love you"

After you hung up you ran to your room and started packing, you didn't know how much but you packed for a long time bc why not. After you pulled your hair up into a pony tail and changed into leggings and a big shirt

You came back downstairs and your parents were smiling. They new exactly what happened, mainly because they heard the conversation.

"Ready to go (Y/N) your dad smiled
"Yep. I'm ready" she breathed out. You were terrified of flying. You always felt really sick before and a little during the flight. You've been with Matt and your parents before, but it always scared you

~skip ride there~

You were at the airport now and waiting to board. You were texting Matt the whole time because he new you scared so he was trying to calm you down. The flight was only 4 hours but it still scared the hell out of you, finally they called to board.

You started shaking and breathing a little uneven. You got on and took your seat. You kept trying to calm down, so you put in headphones and leaned back in the seat. The flight attendant said to turn off all electronic devices because they can cause some kind of problems

"Thanks for scaring me more" you thought
And you shut your phone off. But you decided to watch a couple movies on their tv to calm your self. It worked until landing. It was rough landing and you were freaking out more. After they said it was okay to get off

You started rushing and got your thing and now you were waiting in baggage claim for your suitcase. Matt texted you asking if you were landing. You called and told him you have, he responded with
"I can't wait to see you. I'm by the door"

You smiled and got your bag then started walking to the door. About halfway from walking to the door you saw him, he turned around since he didn't see you coming yet.

Jump on him? Yep.

You started jogging toward him then dropped your bag and jumped on his back. He caught you and smiled.
"(Y/N)?" He looked back at you and you jumped off of him and he picked you up and hugged you tight

You hugged back tightly
"Please never let me ride a plane by myself again you told him
"Never baby" he pulled away and smiled at you, then he gave you a soft kiss, which you returned happily

He took you back to the hotel him and the guys were staying at. You were friends with all of them so you didn't care that they were there. You were shopping and going out to eat with Matt a lot. You got to go with the boys to events and other things

At the end of the week you were nervous again because of the plane ride back. He held your hand all the way threw security and bagging. Even on the plane he traded seats so he could sit next to you

You laid your head on his shoulder and smiled at him. He put his arm around you and kissed your head. You fell asleep on him.

~back home~

Your parents picked you guys up from the air port and went back you your house. Your parents said they wanted to tell you something.
"(Y/N) we've been thinking, and we think you can live with Matt if you want to" you mom smiled at you and Matt

"Are you serious?" You smiled big and jumped up a little
"Yes, we trust you guys and we like Matt" your dad smiled at him
"Thank you sir." Matt smiled back.

You ran to your room and started packing, Matt followed you to help. You packed everything in your car, leaving the furniture in your room.
You kissed your parents goodbye and your mom wiped a year and waved as you guys left

You got to Matthews and he helped you out all your stuff away. He hugged you again and said this is going to be great! You agreed

That night you guys made spaghetti together, laughing and making a mess, the food was delicious. You cleaned up and then cuddled with him the whole night.

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