Camp Shell (This one will be pretty long!)

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Taylor's POV
As I arrived at Camp shell, I noticed a lot of people there! I was excited about what was going to happen there. Me and Rebecca walked up to the register area to get me checked in.
Hello Taylor Friar! I'm Riley, I will be your camp counselor! - Riley
I'm Farkle and I will also be your camp counselor! - Farkle
Do you know which cabin I'm in and who I will be sharing it with? - me
Ok let me check. (She checks) you will be with Ashley Hart! - Riley
Riley's POV
I can't believe this is happening!! Maya and Lucas's twins are coming to the same camp together! I have a feeling they are going to realize they are related to one another soon enough.
Farkle! We have a problem! - me
What is it? - Farkle
Remember Lucas and Maya's twins? They are both here at the same time!! - Riley
That's a big problem Riley! What are we going to do? - Farkle
I think we should let them get to know each other - Riley
Why would you want to do that - Farkle
Maya and Lucas are meant to be together! They  still love each other! That divorce drifted every one apart! You and Lucas got into a fight and me and maya also got into a fight! Maybe the twins can bring Lucas and Maya back together! - Riley
Riley, that's not a bad idea! - Farkle
Ashley's POV
As I arrived at the camp, I went to the register to check in.
Once I checked in, I went to my cabin to meet my roommate!
OMG!! You look EXACTLY LIKE ME - Ashley
WHAT THE HECK!! - Taylor
I DONT KNOW! - Taylor
Before we talk about this creepy situation, I'm ashley! - me
I'm Taylor- Taylor
Where are you from Taylor, I'm from England! - Ashley
I'm from Texas! - Taylor
You have Texas accent to go with it tho! - Ashley
What's that supposed to mean? - Taylor
I mean you have Texas accent, I don't really like Texan accents that much! - Ashley
Well, You have that proper accent that makes people's ears bleed! - Taylor
You did not just do that!! - Ashley
I just did - Taylor
Do you want to know what you sound like? - Ashley
What? - Taylor
HAHURR - ashley
I DO NOT!! - Taylor
Ya you do!!! - Ashley
SHUT UP!! - Taylor
Why don't you shut up!! Oh and we are not friends anymore - Ashley
Who says we were friends in the beginning?? - Taylor
I cannot stand that girl!! She thinks she has the right to talk to me like that!! Ugh and I have to stay with her for a whole month in a stinky cabin! Totes terrible!!

No ones POV
Ashley and Taylor's dislike towards each other became even worse! They always have fights with each other of whose better than who!
Hey hart! - Taylor
What Friar? - Ashley
I heard you can sing! - Taylor
What's it to you friar?? - ashley
I challenge you to a contest!! Loser jumps into the lake naked! - Taylor
Your on! - ashley
Taylor and Ashley went up to the stage, Taylor started to sing first! Taylor sang the song bad blood.
Btw I'm only writing a few of the verses!
Taylor: cause Baby now we got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
So take a look what you've done
So baby now we got bad blood

The judges gave Taylor a 7 9 8

See if you can beat that Hart - Taylor
I know I can Friar - Ashley

Ashley went up to the stage and sang wildest dreams!
Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress staring at the sunset babe
Red lips
And rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your
Wildest dreams

The judges give ashley a 10 10 10

This cannot be happening! No one is a better singer than me and no one beats me ever! - Taylor
Well it just did! Strip down Friar! - Ashley

Ashley and Taylor and their friends camp all to the lake! Taylor took off her clothes and placed them down to keep dry. As Taylor was jumping in, Ashley and her friends snatched her clothes and hid them!
Taylor's POV
When I went out of the water, I saw that my clothes were not there!! Those girls snatched my clothes! They are gonna get payback!! So I went to my cabin and got some clothes to wear. I went to the front desk and I asked for a new cabin! They gave me a new cabin and Ashley got to move into another cabin with her friends as well.

The plan was set! Me and my friends snuck into their room in the middle of the night! We boobytrapped the whole room with whipped cream, chocolate fudge, and caramel! So if anyone moves! BAM! They will be boobytrapped!

When it was morning me and my friends snuck outside of the window to watch the prank take action.
Ashley's POV
I woke up, today and I felt something weird, THERE WAS CARAMEL ON MY FACE. I got out of bed to wash up, but when I got up whipped cream, caramel and chocolate fudge were spilling and splashing EVERYWHERE!!!!
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! AHHHHHH - I screamed
Taylor!! That stupid brat she did this!!
She is going to pay big time!
No ones POV
Riley and Farkle went to Ashley's cabin to check up on things.
What are you doing here?? - Taylor
We're doing a cabin inspection! Is anything wrong - Riley
Yes! One of the girls are sick! You can't go in there - Taylor
Then I must go - Riley
No I'm fine, why don't you come see for yourself - Ashley

Riley and Farkle walked in and a bucket of caramel dropped on their heads when they opened the door!
Ashley, Taylor! PACK YOUR BAGS!! Your moving to a new isolation cabin!! - Riley

To be continued
Spoilers: ashley and Taylor do find out they are twins

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