Chapter 4

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Chapter 4- Jane's POV

Jane stared into the eyes of each werewolf, daring them to make the first move. Minutes passed and Jane let out the breath she held, enjoying the sense of smell again. Stepping back once again, Jane bumped into the railing leading up to the house and she hoped up onto it, determined to sit there as long as it took for the Cullens to arrive. Of course, Jane thought absently as the fire in her throat flared, there was the problem of hunting.

Pushing the thought aside, Jane began her staring contest with the largest of the wolves. The large, midnight black wolf stared back, it's eyes narrowing slightly as it noticed Jane's unwavering and blank gaze. Smiling on the inside, Jane began to enjoy her little game as she put on her Volturi guard mask of indifference and stared unwavering into those deep black eyes. 

After several minutes passed, neither blinking, the wolf finally blinked in frustration causing a small giggle to escape Jane's facade. Jane watched carefully as the large wolf snorted and backed into the trees, out of sight. Jane's eyes flickered around the woods where he had disappeared, on high alert in case he planned to attack. 

Movement caught Jane's attention and she eyed the man who stepped out of the bushes wearing a cut off pair of shorts. Jane waited patiently, bringing her legs up as she sat and the man stopped at the same line the rest of the wolves were standing at. 

"What is your business here?" the gruff voiced man called out, his dark eyes scanning Jane warily as if he thought she would lash out at any moment. Rolling her eyes, Jane looked at him and paused wondering if she should tell him why she was there or not. No, Jane thought, she was here to talk to the Cullens, not these dogs. Jane had been planning on how she would speak to the Cullens as she ran from Oregon to Washington and these dogs were not going to mess this up. 

"I'm here to speak with the Cullens and only the Cullens. I refuse to leave until I have spoken with them and I don't want a fight with you," Jane paused, looking each werewolf in the eye before continuing, her soft but deadly voice breaking the silence, " but I will defend myself if necessary." Jane watched as the wolves seemed to communicate silently and the leader cleared his throat, gaining her attention.

"Two of my members are on our lands, one in wolf form and the other in human form, speaking with a third member who is with the Cullens. They wish to know why you are here and have informed us that they will be here within half an hour," stated the calm man, his voice holding formality and authority. 

Jane ignored the wolf's second request for her motives and simply sat defiantly, smirking at the growing irritation on the wolves and man. When it became clear that she had no intention of speaking, the man backed once more into the woods and returned once more as a wolf, his and the pack's eyes never leaving her. 

Jane sighed, bored and impatient as she sat there, her mind wandering to what she was about to do and how she was going to put her life in the hands of vampires that had every reason to hate her. Standing, Jane paced around when a low growl began in the grey and brown mixed wolf, his eyes conveying his threat. Hissing, Jane's temper flared as she glared at the wolf, she refused to let anyone threaten her or try to control her ever again. 

That hiss was the last straw for the tensed wolf and his rage broke through. In a split second, several cars pulled up just in time to witness the wolf launch itself at Jane. A furious "NO!" from one of the cars diverted Jane's attention just long enough for the wolf to tackle her. 

Rage bubbled through Jane and she easily threw the wolf from on top of herself before crouching defensively and staring at the wolf intently, her motives clear. Pained howls filled the clearing and Jane snapped her head to where all the wolves had collapsed, writhing in pain. 

Ignoring the shocked Cullens behind her, Jane wracked her mind for all Aro had said about these shape shifters, trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly Jane had it, the mind link. Because her power was a mental one, easily blocked by Bella's mental shield, Jane could affect all the wolves at once since their minds were connected. Smiling at this, Jane resumed her attention to the wolf who had attacked her and she stood triumphantly watching him writher in pain.

A barrier brought Jane back to reality as she felt something begin to push against her gift and protect the wolves. The furious voices nearing her caused Jane to spin around and hiss warningly at the approaching Cullens. This brought the golden eyed vampires to a hault and only the leader, Dr. Cullen stepped forward cautiously. 

"Perhaps we should go inside and discuss your visit, Jane, while the werewolves go back to LaPush," suggested the leader, his calm voice soothing Jane's aggitated nerves. Jane's eyes met those of the blonde with scars covering his body and she remembered his abilty to manipulate emotions. Jane nodded stiffly to the doctor as she decided the calming wave was for the best.

Keeping her usual Volturi mask on for the moment, Jane watched as the rest of the wolves backed carefully into the trees.  In the end, the one called Jacob who had been with the Cullens was allowed to stay and transfer the conversations to the others, much to Jane's distaste.Before Jane knew it, she was standing in the Cullens' living room in front of a sea of wary golden eyes. 

"Perhaps now would be a good time to tell us why you have visited us, Jane," came the calm voice of Dr. Cullen and Jane sucked in a breath. It was now or never. 


Hey readers, hope you liked this chapter and it was enough action to make up for my previous chapters that may have been a little short and boring..Please comment, vote, fan, anything to show me that you want me to continue and leave any suggestions, guesses to what is going to happen next, or simply opinions below and I promise I ALWAYS read all of your comments!

Peace, Love, Dinos<3

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