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(Kelsey's pov)
*few weeks later*

Having a gun in my hand, shooting everyone in my sight. After planning my escape for a while and got all I needed, my escape was going great for while until someone noticed and snitched and this where I am now.

Great, now I hear sirens and it's going to be hard to get out.

As I walk out, the police are already in the front and get out of their car and say, "put your hands in the air and drop the gun!"

I do as they say. Well there's no getting out of this one.

(Dylan's pov)

I was sitting on the couch and cuddling with my wife, watching 50 first dates, as my phone rings. I see the caller ID and it says "LAPD".

I answer the phone and say, "Hello."

"Hey Dylan, can you um pick me up?"

"Kelsey!? What are you doing at the police department!?" I say.

"Well um, you can say I got arrested. BUT, but I didn't get charged for anything! I'll explain everything when you pick me up." She said.

"Okay, I'm coming." And I hang up.

"What happened?" Melissa asked.

"Kelsey's at the police department."

As I pull up, I see Kelsey sitting on the steps. She sees my car, and starts walking and getting in the car.

"Hey." She says.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"So um... I planned to sneak out tonight but they caught me and there was shooting, and when I was about to leave, someone called the police and they came and arrested me."

"But you didn't get charged because?" I said.

"Because I told them how they were holding me captive. But there's something else I have to tell you... I'm pregnant." she said.

"What! By who?"

"Well Justin, he's the only guy I've had s*x with recently."

"What! Oh my gosh, was that during Jazalyn's birthday?!"

She nods her head then says, "Now I need you to take out this stupid tracker, voice recorder out of my mouth! You got some tweezer?"

"Yeah, hold up," I get a case from the back and open it, take out tweezers. "Okay, open up your mouth." Kelsey opens up her mouth wide and I find the sliver tracker around her tooth and I pull it out.

"Ugh, finally. Now throw it out." I open the window and throw it out.

"Alright I'll take you home." I said.

"No!" she said.

"What do you mean "no"?"

"Chelsea is still out there, she will find me and kill me. And you can't tell Justin. He needs to focus on Jazalyn, not me. Plus he needs to be clueless if they come to the house. So take me to the airport?"

"Okay.... But you better be f*cking careful out there."

hey babes!! enjoy this chapter:) sorry it took my a while. I've been busy. love y'all. Justin starts touring tomorrow:((

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