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"Zayn! Come on, we have to meet the boys soon!" Liam yells from downstairs while Zayn is sleeping.

After a moment of silence, Liam went upstairs to check up on Zayn who was still him bed.

"Nooo, m'tired," Zayn groans.

"Come on babe, we have to get ready," Liam cooes Zayn out of his sleep and goes downstairs to check on whatever is in the oven. The raven-haired boy eventually got up and walked downstairs. He yawns and rubbed sleep out of his eyes then jumped to sit on the counter. "Hey babe, how was your sleep?" Liam asks.

"Great just tired," Zayn answers.

"Are you okay, you've been sleeping for a while?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Alright, then just go get ready. Your outfit is on our bed."

"Did you really pick out clothes for me?"

"Yeah why?"

"Oh nothing," Zayn jumps off the counter, gives Liam a peck on the lips, then runs upstairs to get dressed.

Zayn comes back down all dressed and hugs Liam.

"Hello babe, when are we leaving?" Zayn asks.

"Right now actually, and we're bringing Loki. We're gonna sleep over but I have out bags packed in the car," Liam replies.

"Alright, I'll get Loki," Zayn says and went to get a leash. Loki comes out of no where and runs past Zayn, making him fall. "Ow," he whines in pain, "LEEYUM, HELP ME GET LOKI!" Zayn yells at his fiancé.

"WHERE IS HE?" Liam calls back.

"Ugh, how would I know. He ran past me and tripped me," Zayn replies as he enters the kitchen where Liam is.

"Are you okay?" Liam asks worriedly.

"My head and butt hurts," Zayn frowns. "But other than that, I'm good."

"I'll get ice for your head, go lie down," he replies and gets a pack of frozen peas as Zayn lays down on the couch.

When Liam comes back, Loki decides to run pass Liam making him slip and fall.

"I think I found Loki," Liam groans.

Zayn immediately gets up and tries to catch Loki. After a while of the two chasing their dog, Zayn finally tries to jump on him and hold him in place, but he misses then Liam trips and lands ontop of Zayn.

"Oh, hello there," Zayn says.

"Hello babe," Liam replies and kisses Zayn's cheek, but his phone rings.

"Hello?" Liam answers the call.

"Where are you mate, we're waiting!?" Louis yells into the phone.

"Erm, we got a bit of a situation right now," Zayn says when Liam puts his phone on speaker.

"What kind of situation?" Louis asks.

Loki jumps on the couple making them groan and Liam replied, "A very painful situation."

"With who?"

"A dog." Loki runs off and Liam finally gets off Zayn. "Sorry Lou, we're gonna be late because we can't catch Loki. You know we can't leave him home alone."

"Have you ever thought of treats?" Louis chuckles.

"Uh, no," Liam replies sheepishly. "Thanks mate, see you soon." he hangs up.

Zayn walked away and held a treat. "LOKI! COME HERE BOY, GOT A TREAT!" he calls.

Loki comes running into the room and jumps on Zayn, they land on the ground with an oomph. He immediately puts the leash on Loki and stands up.

"I think I'm getting too old for this," Zayn groans while rubbing his back.

"Awe babe, you aren't getting too old," Liam pecks his lips. "Now let's go, the boys are waiting for us."

"Ugh, you're carrying me,"  Zayn whines.

"But I have to carry the food."

"Fine, I got Loki."

The two enter the car and start driving to Larry's house. They trudged inside the house and Louis exxlaims, "WHERE THE HECk HAVE YOU TO BEEN?!"

"Trying to catch Loki," Liam replies as Zayn lays on the couch with him following.

"How hard is it to catch a dog?" Niall asks.

"It's painful," Zayn replies.

"What happened?" Harry joins the conversation.

"Basically Zayn went to get Loki but Loki ran, making Zayn fall, then me. We both tried to catch him for a while. It was tiring," Liam replies while cuddling Zayn on the couch.

"Are you guys gonna help cook?" Louis asks.

"No, that's why I brought food. So we don't have to help. We're gonna sleep away our physical pain here on the couch," Liam replies looking at the sleeping Zayn on his chest.

After lots of yelling, nearly buring the kitchen, and almost chopping off fingers, dinner is finally ready.

"DINNER'S READY!" the three boys yelled in Zayn and Liam's ears, making them fall off the couch.

"Ugh, you guys don't need to yell. I can barley hear now," Zayn says while rubbing sleep out his eyes.

"Oh well, but sense we did most of the cooking, you two are cleaning," Harry replies.

Once everyone is settled at the table, they eat and have a conversation mostly of joking and embarrassing each other.

"Alright lads, Hazza and I are going to our room," Louis announces and drags Harry upstairs.

"I'm going to sleep," Niall says amd walks upstairs with Loki following behind.

"And then there was two," Liam muttered.

The two picked up the empty dishes and started cleaning until Zayn thought it would be funny to spray Liam with water.

"Hey, that was mean," Liam pouts.

"Aw, I'm sorry Li," Zayn hugs Liam so he takes a chance on taking the water spraying and get revenge.

The couple spent 30 minutes getting soap and water everywhere. Zayn tries to walk towards Liam but ends up slipping and falling on top of him.

"Am I interruptting something?" Niall asks but then decides to walk away.

"Look who's on top now," Zayn smirks.

"Not for long," Liam smirks then flips them over.

"Curse your muscles," Zayn mutters. "Get off, we have to clean up."

"Cleaning can wait, we could just lay here all night."

"OI LOVE BIRDS, CLEAN THE KITCHEN!" Louis yells from upstairs.

Harry comes down and looks mortified then yells, "GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!"

Zayn and Liam instantly got up and walked to the guest room to change. Later they did end up cleaning the whole kitchen, but to them. It was worth it.

First One Shot and I think that it sucks. 1. I should never do 3rd person and 2. I'm much better at making fanfics that are like 10 chapters long

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