Sakiko Hiou: Vampire Knight

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Chapter 4: Hiou and Kuran

The orange haired vampire who introduced himself as Akatsuki Kain invited Sakiko into the Moon Dorms, which looked more like a parlor of a mansion for a rich person rather than regular dorm rooms with candles illuminating the pathway towards Kaname's dorm room. Sakiko couldn't help but look around, thinking if she had chosen a vampire's body to borrow instead of a human's she would be living in this dorm.

A cold breeze floated around Sakiko, kissing her skin and causing her to shiver slightly. When in her real body she never felt the weather - a vampire doesn't feel the heat or the cold - but in Akira's body she did feel the weather against her skin.

And it felt amazing.

"Dorm President Kuran is waiting in here," Akatsuki states, pushing open the door. Sakiko stepped in.

Kaname was sitting behind a chess board, wearing an opened maroon dress shirt, blue jeans and his hair dripping as if he had washed it before. Akatsuki closed the door behind him, the door closing with a soft clink, leaving Sakiko and Kaname alone in the room together.

"You called for me," Sakiko says, approaching the desk. Kaname nodded. He picked up the black Queen and dangled it between his fingers. Sakiko eyed the chess board wearily. "What's with the chess board? Don't tell me you play by yourself. How depressing."

"I don't use the chess board for playing Akira," Kaname says, placing the queen back down. "You are a part of this chess game."

"Oh really?" Sakiko asked sarcastically. "Am I black or white?"

"That it up to you," Kaname answered. He suddenly got a serious look as he stared hard at her. "Kiryuu. I wasn't aware that there was a daughter in the Kiryuu family."

"Well, there is," Sakiko responded.

"I can tell something is off," Kaname says after a while. "I can feel something wafting off you, like a scent. A vampire scent. But it's not a Level D or E."

"Oh, what?" Sakiko asked.

"Level A," Kaname answered. "A Pureblood."

Sakiko stared hard at Kaname before walking forward and sitting in the chair on the other side of the desk that Kaname was not sitting in.

"Alright Kuran," Sakiko says, flinging the white King over with her finger. "You know what I am, but do you know who I am?"

Kaname narrowed his eyes. "I know you're a Pureblood from the Hiou family, I can tell that much." He tilted his head to the side, staring hard at Sakiko. "But you're not Shizuka Hiou. That's kinda impossible, since she's the last one. Who are you exactly?"

"Can I trust you?" Sakiko asked.

"That depends," Kaname answered. "Are you on my side?"

"And what side would that be?" Sakiko asked.

"There is someone I want to protect," is all Kaname said. Sakiko raised her eyebrows but didn't question him.

"What do you know, I have someone I want to protect too so I guess I'm on your side," Sakiko answered. "You're right, I'm not Shizuka. I'm her twin sister Sakiko. It's nice to meet you Kaname Kuran. Three thousand years ago I became friends with Haruka and Juuri Kuran. We shared our desire to protect and help humans. Didn't like Rido Kuran though."

"Sakiko Hiou," Kaname repeated her name. "Why exactly did you take Zero Kiryuu under your wing, huh? What was so special about him that amused you?"

"He never amused me," Sakiko answered, an urge to defend Zero's honour boiling deep down inside her. "He reminded me of someone I lost. He gave me purpose, he gave me something to live for in my long life. You're a Pureblood and understand that we get tired of our long lives. Zero gave me a purpose. To be honest I don't know what I'll do without him. I came to the realisation that I can't live without him. He completes me, and I know I complete him. We're like a harmony and melody. Without each other we're just boring sound without a purpose, but together we make a beautiful piece that goes good together. I'm sorry, I suck at making metaphors but it's true."

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