Once Upon A Time...
In a kingdom far far away there was a kingdom called Corona there was a gentle king named Jasper he had a beautiful queen, Garnet. One day Queen Garnet had 2 children the 1st one was named Romana the most beautiful girl in the world. The other was named Crisanta the child with a harsh face. 2 years later they threw a holiday for they're 2 daughters, Romana was 4 and Crisanta was 3. All eyes were on Romana during the ball. Crisanta tried to impress everyone:
Crisanta: Everyone look at me! Princess Crisanta here! I'm gonna sing!!You raise me upppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Queen Garnet: Crisanta keep it down! Your sister is singing! As you were singing Romana?
Romana: You raise me up... On the mountains.
Everyone: Very good Romana!
Crisanta: But... That's my song... :-(
FantasyThe two sisters, Romana and Crisanta are bitter enemies and have tons of differences. Romana is adored and loved. While Crisanta is hated and despised. Crisanta decides she can't take it anymore she joins The Black Sorcerers. Will their sisterly bon...