Chapter 1

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Angie's P.O.V.

Another day I have to wake up early because of school. Let's just say I'm not a fan of it, to be honest

Mom and dad forced me to go to this school, I couldn't even choose. Okay, I didn't want to choose.

I have 2 siblings: Maria and James. Both are older than me, but I don't care about that

Anyway, my name is Angie. I'm 16 years old and pretty happy to be honest. My best friends are Anna and Pablo.

I picked up my backpack and walked downstairs, got some breakfast and walked to school. This was basically my morning routine

On my way I met Maria, who's going to the same school as me. Walking hand in hand with one of the bad boys of school. When he sees me he winks at me

Urg, that stupid asshole!

He's together with my sister, but whenever he has the chance to touch my butt or something like that he does that. That's why I hate him so much

I greeted Maria and ignored German, like I always do. I just can't stand him...

"Hey Angie, how are you?" She asked me since she doesn't live with us anymore. That asshole took her away from us...

"I'm fine, I guess," I answered "Something disturbed my day" I said, looking at German and then I looked back at her

"Angie..." She mumbled "What's wrong? Why are you always being so mean to him?"

"Because he's an asshole." I answered instantly

"Okay that's enough!" She said "Angie if you can't stand German then I don't see why we're still talking!"

My jaw dropped "Excuse me? You just chose him over me? Your sister?" I was really shocked

I couldn't believe that she actually chose him over me!

"Yes Angie. If you can't appreciate my bo--"

"I can't believe it! That asshole cheated on you, I don't know how much but he did!" I hissed angrily, but also sad "But oh no, you're choosing him over me, your own sister!"

I could see on her face that she was shocked, but before she could say anything I walked away

Can you believe it? What if your sister chose her boyfriend over you? It's unbelievable, I know!

Urg... And if I'm gonna tell mom and dad they'd tell me that I overreacted.

Sure I did mom.

Let's just forget this...


"So she just chose him over you?!" My friend, Anna asks when I told her the story what happened this morning

"Yes! She said "If you can't stand German, then why am I still talking to you?""

"I don't understand why she did that." Pablo said

"I also don't know, Pablo..." I sighed "But if I'd tell my parents they'll say that I overreacted..."

"Hey Angie..." He layed his hand on my back "Everything will be alright. You just have to wait..."

"I know Pablo..." I hugged them "Thanks for being here for me guys"

"No problem" They answered, hugging me back tightly

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