Chapter 3

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Angie's P.O.V.

"Alex please..." Mom begged dad to stay. Since their argument last night I didn't talk to her. I mean... Mom and Mr Johnson?

"I don't wanna hear your talk, Angelica," he answered while packing all his stuff "We're over."

I know I shouldn't do this... But I have to!

"Are you two really ending this?" I asked, looking disappointed and sad at them "Are you really giving this all up?"


"No mom! I can't believe you actually cheated on dad... And dad," I turned me to him "I should do the same if I'd find out that my boyfriend cheated on me... But, you know you still love mom... And do you really wanna leave us?"

"Of course I don't want to..." He said and he came closer to me to hug new "We're just going through a bad time... And that's why I think it's better that I leave for some months..."

"So you're leaving me also?" I asked, looking up at him "Because that's what you just said..."

"Listen to me, Angeles. Your mom cheated on me, and I'm disappointed. Yes, I still love her... And I also don't want to leave but I think it's the best for us..."

"For who?" I asked as I got out of his arms "For you? Oh yes of course for you because you're always selfish. Always thinking about yourself. And I actually thought that you cared about me... How stupid..." I turned around to leave the kitchen


"I'm sorry for you Angie..." Pablo tried to calm me down and make me atleast a bit happier, but nothing really worked

"We'll help you to get this, won't we Pablo?" Pablo nodded and kissed my head

"Guys... I know you're doing this to make me feel better... But I'm scared that your work won't help..." I said as I looked down

"Angie..." They said as they came sit back next to me

"Hey guys! Look who's crying here! Angeles Carrara!" Urg nice... There we have German and his mates...

Assholes. They're all assholes.

"Leave her alone, Castillo." Pablo hissed at him and standing in front of me to protect me "You have nothing to do with her!"

"Aww... So cute... Angeles' boyfriend is protecting her..." He said on a really annoying tone "But I'm not here for that so please stop it." His face went arrogant immediately

"We're even not together..." I said walking next to Pablo "And I also think that I can solve this alone." Pablo looked hurt at me and then leaved "What do you want, Castillo?"

"I need to talk to you. In private."

"Okay. When?"

"Tonight, 6PM at my house." He said coming closer "I'll see you there, sweetie..." He said as he kissed my cheek and for a reason I felt really happy he did that...

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" My friend, Anna asked as the boys were away

"Yes. I'm sure Maria is also there and I can call you if somethings wrong."

"Okay then... See you tomorrow?" She asked as school ended 2 minutes ago

"Yeah, see ya."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2015 ⏰

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