*Chapter Two*

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   I climbed away before anything interesting happened with Pan. I didn't want to risk seeing something that I wasn't supposed to. Once the sun started to go down, I started to head back to my side of the island, near the beach. Climbing in the trees is the fastest way for me, and it saves me from having to disturb anything on the ground that Pan could notice.

   I am surprised to see a fire in the distance. None of the boys ever come over here unless it's to find me... Which rarely happens.

   I creep slowly towards the flames and see a man in a leather suit standing in front of the fire. He holds his arms out in front of him and pushes his hand forward towards a large rock, somehow freezing his shadow on the face of the boulder. Taking out a dagger from his jacket, he slowly leans down, stabbing the soil in front of his foot as he starts to cut the area around his foot, grunting every once in a while. When he finishes on his left foot his shadows left leg floats away from him. He moves to his right foot and does the same. His shadow floats up into the air like it did with the left, before coming back towards him. The man holds out his dagger towards his shadow.

   "You know what to do. Hide it where no one can find it, not even me." The shadow takes the dagger and flies up into the air. I look down at the man as he turns around, his face now in the light, facing towards me. I immediately recognize him as the Dark One, Rumpelstiltskin. I take a deep breath and slowly make my way back into the forest, careful not to make a sound. Once I am out of his range of hearing I take off as fast as possible, flying through the trees, back to my small camp.


   *A year and a half ago*

   "Liz! Look what I found!" I follow the sound of my best friend, Scarlet Wolf's voice. I find her hunched over a small pile of rocks.

   "What is it?" I look at her blood red hair falling down out of her braid and into her face and I laugh. "Nice hair you got there. You should do mine sometime." She laughs and playfully glares at me.

   "Oi, shut up, will ya? You know I hate it. I don't even know why I still have it up like this." She pulls out the pins that are keeping her hair up and she shakes her hair free. "I still don't get why my mom makes us wear these things either," She says, motioning to her green dress. I look down at my red dress and smile.

   "Ah, they're not so bad," I say to her. "Now what was it that you wanted to show me?" Her eyes light up and she pulls me over to the pile of rocks.

   "Look!" She squeals, pointing down.

   "It's a... pile of rocks. Now are we done here? I was with Damian and your obnoxious yelling interrupted our lovely conversation." I cross my arms as she smirks at the mention of Damian's name.

   "Oh, please. You can hardly talk about him without blushing. You weren't having a 'lovely conversation' with him, were you?"

   "True." She smirks at me and shakes her head. "And for your information, I was actually talking to him. I mean, it wasn't very 'lovely', cause all I did was stutter and thank God that you started yelling otherwise I would have probably died... But it still counts!" She laughs at me and I smile, rolling my eyes.

   "Anyways, what I was trying to show you is..." She leans down and moves away some of the rocks. "This!" I look down to see two white-ish colored beans. I pick the two beans up and look at them closely, gasping when I realize what I am holding.

   "No. Freaking. Way."

   "Yes freaking way! Do you know what these are!?" She asks me while jumping around me, her shoulder length hair flowing around her. I put my hand over my mouth, trying not to scream.

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