I realize there A LOT of stories and poems on this site, so I decided to do a "story" were I interview authors and review books and stories. I interview authors that i feel are good and need help to promote their stories. Or they are so popular that the fans need to get deeper insight about the favorite authors. I will always tell the truth about how I feel authors and books are. Also I might put a story about my life.
-To get an author interviewed send me the CORRECT way to spell their username and a question or 2 you'd like to ask them. If you nominate yourself I will NOT answer or interview you.
-To get a book reviewed send in the CORRECT way to spell their/your username and the CORECT way to spell their story/book.Yes, on stories you can nominate yourself.
If you tell your readers about my "story" then the more people will nominate you and you'll get more famous which will help you win the Watty Awards (if you entered). But you can always vote for me! Lol!!!
P.s. At the very end every issue I will tell you a silly saying that me and my friends made up/ a recommendation for a story/ a good song I love/ or a little about the next issue.