Kanda x Yandare reader!

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I will be your partner in crime as well as ur best friend :))))


He's beautiful in every expect. No words to describe his beauty. Nothing. If he ignores you when you greet him, it's bliss. But don't you dare talk, confess or say that you love him. If you do, run...

Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine.
Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine
Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine.
Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine
Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine.
Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine
Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine.
Yuu will be mine. Yuu will be mine


He is mine. He MUST be mine...

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Earth to (y/n)!?!" My best friend, Shuri, called from across the table while waving her spoon in front of my (s/c) face.

"Huh? Uh... whaa- I-I mean yes?" I stuttered startled by the spoon. "Geez, you're not listening to me. As I was saying, another girl is confessing to Kanda! Wanna stalk them?" She ask.

"Ok, let's go."

On the outside, I was known to be weak due to my figure. But what they didn't know is that under the uniform the provide is strong firm muscles, ready to kill.

The moment we hear voices, we hid ourselves among the shadows of the corridor. Shuri used her oh-so-convenient power to hide our presence.

"A-ano... Kanda-san..." the girl spoke up

"Yes (name of girl u hate)?" Kanda replied.

"I-I.... I Lo-" (Girl you hate) started talking but her voice was immediately cut off by me, her awesomeness. My power, Air manipulation, allows me to control my surrounding air. I made a vacuum around her, letting her unable to breathe. Deprived of oxygen, she started to claw her neck. Leaving red streaks of blood to flow freely from her neck.

Seeing (Girl you hate) struggle, Kanda proceeded to ask (girl you hate) fiercely, "OI! (girl you hate). You ok? ANSWER ME?!" Softly, she manage to answer him, losing her consciousness, "Ai..r...... ... .. ." When I sense that she was about to die, I released her. And.. she fainted.

'This is my que to go out...'

I turned my head towards Shuri and gave her a slight nod. She understood and dispel her 'presence less' power. Me and Shuri walked towards Kanda and (girl you Hate) pretending to talk about some random stuff. When Kanda looked toward my direction, we fake gasp and ran towards them.

"What happen?" I asked, faking innocence.

"I don't know. She suddenly just collapse onto the floor." Kanda replied me.

Shuri carried (girl you hate) over her shoulder and said, "Kanda, don't you needa go for your next mission? It's getting late."

"Ah yes. Thank you for reminding. I'll leave her on your hands then." Kanda said and left.

The moment Kanda was out of sight, Shuri dropped (girl you hate) on the floor. Literally Drop. And drag her by her legs.

"Uhg... what does this woman eat? She's so heavy..." Shuri commented. I only chuckle at her words.

Once we reached the door of the infirmary, Shuri slung (girl you hate) over her shoulders and I opened the door for her. The moment the head nurse saw us, she rushed towards us and helped carry (girl you hate) to the bed.

"What happened?" The head nurse commanded.

"Urm... the moment we arrived at the scene, Kanda was holding her and she was already unconscious. Kanda said she suddenly fainted so we carried her here while Kanda went for his mission." I explained with a regretful face.

It's not like I regret anything. I don't regret doing that to her anyway.

"Ok. I understand. You may go to your respective missions while I take care of her." The nurse informed. Me and Shuri just nod and walked way.

The moment we walked out of the infirmary, we smiled at each other, thinking of the exact same thing.

-timeskip night fall-

The moon was high in the sky and everyone was sleeping. Me and Shuri walked towards the infirmary with out weapons at hand.

Shuri activated the power of her innocence and we were concealed.

We went into the infirmary and spotted the nurses on night duty slacking.

'What a lucky day...' I thought to myself.

We walked towards the bed that (girl u hate) was lying on. (Girl u hate) miraculously detected our presence and her eyes shot open.

"So you're the one who made me unconscious..." she said.

"Yes and what about it? You got too close to My Kanda Yuu. And you better prepare for what's coming." I said while holding my (weapon) and licking the blade.

"You... you're crazy! Get away!" (Girl you hate) back away to the head board. Her legs kicking around. "Help! Somebody! Help!" She screamed.

"Hey, do you know why funerals exist?"

(Girl you hate) was silent. She didn't reply.

-I'm sorry if it's short-

Kanda x reader One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now