Hi .. Nice To meet You

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(Jasmine POV):

I woke up Excited for another day of work.. i loved my job Alot even though i was only an intern

I opened my Curtains letting the light shine into my room.

I went over to my drawer and got out a panty and bra set and went to my closet to decide on something to wear.

I decided on ripped skinny jeans..black... an Strawberry red t shirt and my black vest..i decided ill put on my red chuck taylors and call it a day. I went to go shower and and do my hygene thing after 30 minutes i got out the shower, got dressed and threw my hair up intona messy bun 

.ill flat iron it tonight.


When i got to work my boss was already starting the annual tuesday meeting.. i was just on time i slipped in and listened to what she was saying.

"there will be a big project coming up, It involves an upcoming young rapper, hes 18 so im giving the job to one of you."

I hope she doesnt pick me ... i hate working with rappers the last "teen" rapper i worked with was disrespectful..wht was his name again... idk but idont wanna do this project nope ..

I snapped out of my thoughts as i heard my boss calling my name.

"Jasmine i would like for you to take this job, it will be good for you" she said.

"Umm, Sure why not" i replied giving my fakest smile.

She then said thank you and walked away.

I REALLY dont want to do this job.

My Bestfriends who are also interns came over to me.

"Looks like you got another rapper" Armani said

"I know" I said not really wanting to to talk about this right now.

My friends are extremely judgemental especially Armani

but we been friends since Elementary school and i love them to death

" Well You better work hard, We'll talk to you later" Kayla said while walking away with armani right behind her.

I walked into my bosses office and she told me the rapper would be here in 10 minutes to meet me.

I went to my office and 10 minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

"Come In" I yelled

"Umm Hi Im Daniel...but ppl call me Diggy" said the Caramel skinned boy..

He was polite :) i like that

"Hi Im Jasmine Rogers, Ill Be Designing Your Outfits and stuff so um have a seat and we can get started" I said putting on my best smile.

After about 30 minutes we were almost finished going over ideas.

I have to admit he was a nice guy. a little too outgoing which isnt in my standards but he was nice.

"Um well it was nice to meet you um, Jasmine ?" digg said snapping me out my thoughts

"Nice Meeting you too Mr.Simmons"

"Just Call Me, Diggy or Daniel, Mr.Simmons is my Dad("

"I nodded, Well umm we have a 5:00pm Appointment tomorrow so i can show you some fabrics okay"

"okay , Um can we exchange numbers.." he asked with an nervous look.

"Only for business" i said and wrote my number on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

He smiled said bye and left out.

I gathered my stuff and headed out the door.

---- Later that night.

"So i seen the rapper Guy, Hes Cute" Kayla said smiling.

"Yeah and hes polite" I said laughing a little.

"Remember we have standards" Armani said

"I Know" i said in a dissapointed voice.

"and what are yours" she said facing me

"I want a guy whos outgoing but not too outgoing, Someone i can talk to all day and they will always listen, Someone who sees me for me, someone with dreams that can actually become a reality, Someone who i can love and trust and lastly someone who i can be scared of losing" I said thinking about daniel at a couple parts

woah what am i saying i just met the guy ..he can be. complete jerk.

"Kayla what are yours"? Armani asked her.

"Somebody who likes me for me". she said irritated

"Well im tired guise yall gotta go , See you at work tomorrow" I said.

"Bye Girl Love you" said kayla leaving the house Nd getting into her car.

"Bye armani" I said but she didnt reply.

I came to realize armani never had standards she just made sure we had em .. she can be weird sometimes , But i shook it off Nd went upstairs to take a shower and go to sleep .

After my shower i seen i had a text from someone,

338-444-3232: Hey beautiful

Me: Whose this?

338-44-3232- Daniel/Diggy

Me: Oh Hi Daniel, This better be work related

Daniel: It is, I wanted to know if we can meet up at I-Hop tomorrow so you can show me the fabric because i cant make the appointment at 5

Me: Sure what time

Daniel: 7 a.m

Me: Ughh yeah i can

Daniel; Okay Goodnight Beautiful <3

Me: Um, Goodnight Daniel.

So watcha think :) 1st official chapter

Did you like it :) Part 2 should be posted soon, Im pre-writing it now.

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