A/N: Sorry this is short but more updates to come this week! I promise! Imma put a ton of work into them too :P Keep reading and hope this story makes you smile on a bad day! :) Love y'all - Alice
The guy who recently proclaimed himself Adrian walks me out of Carrie's. Just being near him kinda gives me the heebie-jeebies but I stand my ground beside him. He leads me to the empty park across the street. It's a cute park. I remember playing here as a kid.
"I really shouldn't be talking to you, you know. Stranger danger and all. My Mom always told me not to talk to strange people and no offense but you are pretty strange," at least I'm honest, right?
Adrian stops in front of the swing set and gives me a look that I swear could kill. Then, he silently plops himself down on one of the swings and motions for me to sit on the one beside him. I try to straddle the swing so I can face him, but my leg slips and I end up face-planting directly into the wood chips with a loud "Umph".
"You were right about not hurting a flea, it's surprising no reaper has visited you sooner," I hear him mumble as I brush wood chips out of my hair.
"What?" I say, not quite catching the last part of his sentence. I was too busy settling myself back onto the swing. I didn't try to straddle it this time. My feet barely touch the woodchips but I push myself back and forth as carefully as possible so I don't fall off again.
He starts to speak but I cut him off excitedly as I remember,"you're new to the neighborhood so you probably want restaurant recommendations and stuff! That explains it. Anyway, you should totally come stop by Carrie's if you want ice cream, but only go after four because that is when my shift starts and that way you can give me extra large tips. Unless you're vegan or lactose intolerant or something, you never know these days, right? Anyway for breakfast go to Symphony, they have the best pancakes. Lunch is trickier -"
Adrian cuts me off with a growl. "I'm not looking for restaurants."
"Well ok then, grumpy, what do you want from me? Are you stalking me or something? Who would be crazy enough to stalk the crazy girl?"
"Jet, this morning you died."
I barely process what he said, I just ignore it and continue speaking. "We have a really awesome soup place here. I don't know what you call a restaurant that exclusively makes soup, a souperie? That doesn't sound quite right."
"Jet!" He yells and my voice is locked in my throat. I can no longer speak. His head, which had been looking downward at his feet slowly looks up and turns my way and his icy eyes pierce mine. He is dead serious. "You died today. This isn't fun and games. I can't figure out why I couldn't take away your spirit and so either I take you to my superior, and believe me you don't want to meet her, or you become a reaper, like me."
"Wait what?" I begin to laugh, the scary kind of laugh, while Adrian sits quietly waiting for me to stop. I laugh so hard I end up falling from the swing and slamming my head against the sharp metal of the swing set. I don't feel any pain, but my head starts to bleed and my laughter stops as I begin to shake. "What the hell is happening to me? Help, please help me stop the bleeding!"
I feel around on my head for the cut and find a huge gash on my head. Adrian curses and gets off the swing, and sits beside me. "Fuck, you really hurt yourself."
"Help, please, call someone! Call my Mom!" I tell him as the tears start to fall. He doesn't move a muscle.
"Look, there isn't any way it'll heal. Until we do something about your current, well, situation, your body will just continue to deteriorate. You're basically a walking corpse right now."
"How do I fix this?"
Adrian takes a pocket knife from his jean pocket and tosses it up in the air. It immediately lengthens to form a pink scythe. I give him a look, a momentarily forget the blood and the cut and the death. "Pink?"
"Shut up," He rolls his eyes. "I lost mine so I'm borrowing my little sisters." I giggle and he helps me stand. "Jet, the only way to fix this, for the time being, is to turn you into a reaper. Will you willingly become a reaper?"
"Sure, whatever will stop the bleeding." I'm a moron.
Adrian raises the scythe over his head, his eyes glow red, and he brings it into my chest.
I feel a slight pressure, and then the world fades to black.

Jet's Death
MizahJoJo Emily Terrance, or as everyone calls her, Jet, is one of the sweetest girls that you could ever meet. Her favorite color is pink, she hates cursing, and when she tries to be mean you can't help but laugh. So naturally it would come as a surpris...