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Akumu's POV
I awoke with a raging headache. Almost immediately my hands sprung to my neck checking for bite marks, luckily there was none. I can't believe this is happening. Taking in my surroundings I observe the grand four poster bed I was lying in. I felt a small sense of satisfaction that the bed spread was purple and the wood was all dark, and the decor wasn't overly frilly. Actually most of the spacious room was decorated this way, if only this house wasn't infested with parasites I might be able to get used to this. As if it was a poisoned cheery on top I finally took notice of my attire. Who the hell changed me into this?! It was a midnight purple lacing nightgown with sleeves to my elbows and that ended about mid-thigh. It was tasteful but not my style, I prefer boy shorts and a large tee. Wait did they see? Whoever changed me did they see my marks? Oh god can this get any worse?
"So you're finally awake Kiba-chan?" I openly groaned. I spoke to soon, damn Laito. "I must say that negligee suits you, very sexy. With the addition of such a delicious aroma...are you trying to come on to me Kiba-chan?"
"I'd say it was the other way around Pervert-san." I said blandly as he started to crawl on all fours towards me. Luckily with such a soft bed he lost his balance very easily when I pushed him off the bed.
"No need to be so rough Kiba-chan, unless you like it that way." Was there no shutting him up?
"Trust me you haven't seen rough yet. Speaking of which, you wouldn't happen to be the one who changed me were you?" I glared.
"Why do you want me to?"
"I'm going to take that as a no. Looks like you get to live to see another day Pervert-san."
"Aren't you feisty in the morning Kiba-chan. " He said amused. I don't think it's morning for me, but whatever.
"You two! You'll be late." Reiji scolded as he entered my room. Does no one know how to knock around here?
"But I was having fun." Laito whined...how charming.
"But I wasn't." I mumbled.
"You also need to get changed." I noticed the school uniform at the end of the bed.
"Seriously? You're forcing me to attend night school with you guys?" I exclaimed as I fell back onto the bed pulling the covers over my head. "I'd almost rather spend the day with Pervert-san."
"Well you're certainly less obtuse than the other one, but you're in desperate need to be taught more obedience." Other one? Holy shit I forgot Yui. I sprung up from the bed. "I expect you downstairs in fifteen minutes, if you have any complaints you are free to leave at anytime." Yeah and I'll die.
"Wait! Where's Yui?" I questioned frantically.
"Getting ready as you should be. Now hurry up." And there goes his strict ass. I want to punch him.
"And you all think I have bad manners." I complained only to see that I was alone...I think. Damn vampires and their disappearing acts. Now what to do with this uniform. I noticed my luggage was here with me. I got this.
Thirteen minutes later I descended the stairs my earphones plugged in not bothering to hide my grumpiness. I hate being woken up.
"What are you wearing?" Reiji scolded.
"May I point out that your brothers don't follow the school dress code either? If you force me to wear it properly then to be fair you'd have to force them as well." I pointed out as Reiji scowled but made no further complaint. I was currently sporting the school uniform except I wore black ripped leggings with knee high combat boots(the laces were red), I'd cut off the white underskirt so it was plain black and added some red chains, the white bow was left in my room whereas the red one was left loosely around my neck in a half formed tie, I'd rolled the jackets sleeves up to my elbow. And last but never least I wore a mini black fedora with a red lace rose and ribbon on it that clung to the right side of my head by a hairband, I looked epic. On the downside I saw Laito smirking to himself as he eyed my headpiece, he can go fuck himself seeing as nobody else was willing. I saw Yui looking frightened beside Ayato wearing a proper uniform, I immediately walked over to her.
"You okay Nee-san?" I asked.
"Nee-san?" I looked up as Ayato spoke. "Don't tell me pancake here is the older one?"
"This coming from someone with the mentality of a five year old, are you sure you're not the youngest Aho-sama?" I challenged.
"Watch it Bakuchiku." He said with narrowed eyes.
"No comeback? What a pity." I said with mock disappointment.
A minute later we were all seated in their limo, I'd failed in sitting beside Yui and was stuck wedged between Laito and Shuu. At least Shuu won't do anything I think. Besides that it was also awkwardly silent or it was for those without music, suckers. I didn't need to listen because if anything went wrong Yui would scream so I relaxed(as much as I could) as leaned against the seat, maybe I can nap like Shuu.
I bolted upright when I felt something hit my lap. A juice box? Yui had one too.
"What the hell?" I asked as I pulled out one ear bud.
"That is for you both. 100% cranberry juice is the best cure for weak blood." I rolled my eyes.
"Th-thank you so much." Yui stumbled.
"I don't think he deserves your thanks Yui, considering this is purely for his own benefit."
"She's right you need not thank me." Wow, never thought Reiji would say that. "You must become fully aware that you are our prey and drink that daily." Yui looked upset.
"Sorry but I'm not a fan of cranberry juice or being sucked dry, I'll stick with cranberry flavored candies for now." I said as I pulled an assortment of wrapped candies from my pocket(I'd restocked this morning) holding up a red one as if to emphasize my point. I was trying to distract myself from my terrified sister, I so badly wanted to comfort her.
"Her teeth are chattering. Teddy, when mortals feel fear, they reflect it with this sort of behavior. It's funny, so have a good look." I think Kanato may be the creepiest of them all despite his color choices, plus his teddy bear unnerves me. I may have put back up my mental barrier but I could sense the hum of malevolent energy coming from it, I do not want to know why. "But the other one's odd, she doesn't seem to act scared. Why is that Teddy? It's boring I want to hear her screams."
"Here, have some candy." I said earning a creepy smile as the boy eagerly accepted the sweets. Is that all I need to keep him at bay? It probably won't work forever but for now I'll take it. We fell back into silence and this time I managed to fall asleep.
I awoke once again to find myself in an empty limo, almost. I lifted my head to find it had been resting on an asleep Shuu's shoulder. Hmm he didn't seem to care, I'm sure he noticed it. I shook him awake seeing as we were at school.
"Shuu, sorry but we're here." I said but got a low grunt in response.
"Kiba-chan what's taking so long?" Laito said as he stuck his head back in the car. I shot him a glare.
"Trying to wake Shuu." I said as I turned back to shake him once more only to find his ocean blues eyes staring back at me. "Morning sleepy head."
Surprise surprise he just glared at me grumbling a bit under his breath. Guess it was too much work to muster up a threat or something. I gasped suddenly as I felt a hand yank on my wrist pulling me out of the limo.
"What the hell!" I growled as I looked up at Subaru.
"Tch! You were taking too damn long." He huffed as he crossed his arms. Grumpy as ever.
"Now that you've finally joined us Miss Komori, please pay attention." Reiji scolded as he glared at me, pushing up his glasses once more. Maybe he should go in and have them tightened, actually shouldn't vampires have 20/20 vision and have no need for glasses? "You'll both be in the same homeroom as Ayato and Kanato so follow them." I guess it could be worse and this way I can watch over Yui.
Reiji handed us our schedules. Looks like I was put in some advanced classes, um why? I get that I'm smart but I still would've preferred sticking with Yui. First I have culinary arts, I can't cook but I can bake and at least I get to eat, second I have chemistry, then English, music, gym, and mathematics. I only had Yui for the first class which could be an issue.
"Unless you desire a whipping later don't do anything stupid. Is that understood?" Reiji warned us once we were inside the school. "Well do you understand?" He repeated when we remained silent.
"Yes." Yui answered meekly. Reiji then turned to me expectantly.
"I think you severely underestimate my intelligence, but yeah I'll try to behave." Reiji didn't look convinced. I just sighed and took Yui to our first class, hopefully Ayato or Kanato don't do anything stupid.
In culinary arts which was completely empty with the exception of the two Sakamaki brothers and us, I sat beside Kanato in the back whilst keeping an eye on Yui who was dragged by Ayato to the seat next to him. I didn't want to interfere because I believed Yui might learn to defend herself more if I only interfere when necessary, plus by observing Ayato's behavior he may be a danger to Yui but his possessive nature would probably protect her from the brothers. Maybe I should talk to him about that later, he might be willing to form a truce with me to keep Yui away from the others.
"Oh we're doing food prep." Yui said as she read the board. Ayato seemed to perk up at that.
"Food prep?" He asked grinning before dragging Yui out of the room.
"Guess I better follow before Yui lets him suck her dry." I sigh as I face Kanato.
"Why are you telling me?" Kanato looked purely curious.
"I don't know, thought I could at least do you the courtesy of telling you where I'm going." I shrugged.
"You're weird." He commented looking a bit confused as he scrutinized me.
"But I have good taste in food." I retorted, pulling out a jolly rancher from my jacket. "As do you." He already had his hand out in waiting, damn bastard was catching on.
"I like you." Kanato said sending me a smile. Huh that was easy. I sent him a small smile in return.
"Good cause I like you the best out of all your brothers so far." It was a stretch but hopefully it won't come back and bite me in the ass. Also Kanato creeped me out the most , or more so his bear. But I thought it was not to inform him of this. "See ya!" I waved as I went after Yui.
"Make me the best Takoyaki in the world." Ayato commanded as I walked into the room, of course he was talking to Yui not me.
"But I don't have time. Shouldn't we be heading to class soon?"
"It's called ditching Yui. I used to do it all the time." I said startling her as I clamped a hand on her shoulder. Ayato probably already knew I was there, vampire senses and all.
"You still do, don't you?" Yui asked. I nodded in confirmation.
"Oh just shut up and get on with it! Then yours truly will eat them for you. You better start cooking."
"Please." I added. I really was hungry.
"I don't understand why you're making me do this right now. And Aku why are you agreeing with him?" She seems to be defying Ayato, good. She can still make me food though.
"I'm hungry Nee-san, please?" I whined as I gave her the puppy eyes tugging on the lapels of her school uniform. Ayato blanched at my behavior.
"Fine." She grumbled. I sent Ayato a triumphant look.
"And that is how it's done Aho-sama."
"Shut up Bakuchiku." He growled. I rolled my eyes.
Once Yui was done cooking Ayato greedily started stuffing his face. It was sorta cute how his face lit up in childish delight as he munched, again he reminds me of a puppy.
"So yummy!" He said, I quickly snatched up three as I joined in.
"For once I agree with you." I affirmed.
"I can't believe I cut class on my very first day of school." Yui said guiltily.
"You gotta learn not to sweat the small stuff. You should try some yourself." Yui did as Ayato said.
"It's delicious!" She acts like she's never tried her own cooking before.
"Told you so." Hey he took my line. I was about to point this out but he shoved another piece of Takoyaki in my mouth once I opened it. How smart of him, maybe he's not as much of an idiot as I thought.
"I better clean this up. Our next class will be starting soon." Yui said as she cleared away some dishes. Thinking back to Reiji's threat I decided I should head to my next class, which was chemistry.
"Yeah I should go. Ayato behave." I warned sending a glare which caused him to gulp.
"You're not going to help me clean Aku?" Yui asked innocently.
"When have I ever volunteered to clean Yui?" I left before she could answer, not really considering my risky actions.
I wandered down the hall killing time between my next class and this one. I eyed the water fountain finding myself to be really thirsty. I hurriedly began to gulp down water.
"Shouldn't you be in class?" I jumped about a foot in the air as Subaru appeared next to me. I quickly calmed myself.
"I could ask you the same." I said.
"Reiji will be angry if you skip."
"Are you worried? How sweet." I mocked, Subaru's permanent scowl deepened as his cheeks tinted the palest of pinks. Adorable, is he a tsundere?
"Shut it! I could care less." He punched the wall. Though not hard enough to break it this time.
I poked his cheek. "Are you blushing? That's so cute! You tsundere you!" I sung. My eyes widened suddenly when he pinned me to the wall by my shoulders faster than I could blink.
"Stop pushing your luck." He growled. We glared at each other in tense silence before Subaru suddenly let go of me as his nose lifted up in the air, sniffing. A look of confusion crossing his face. "I smell blood."
A sick feeling boiled in my stomach as dawning horror settled upon me. I left Yui alone with Ayato! "No! Nonononono!" I shouted as I bolted back down the hall I had originally came from.
"AYATO!" I yelled as I rushed into the school's kitchen bumping into Reiji's back. I felt my blood boil at the sight of an unconscious Yui sprawled out on the window sill under Ayato. "What did you do?" I growled sounded absolutely feral.
"You should be in class." Reiji scolded as he held me back.
"No way am I going to class when Yui is hurt!" I shouted.
"You'll go to class or else it'll be worse for your sister." Reiji threatened causing my blood to run cold. I quickly hid my fear for my sister before pulling away from him. "I'll make sure this is dealt with."
"Fine!" I huffed before turning to Ayato pointing a finger at him. "I suggest you watch what you do Ayato or I'll gut you in your sleep." I threatened completely serious. I turned not bothering to look at their reactions, I knew if I looked at my sister one more time I'd lose it. I hate this! I hated this feeling of having no control and not being able to protect her! If I'd just been there for her, not left! Goddamn it! I kicked the wall in the hallway out of frustration as tears pricked at my eyes. I held them back not wanting to show even more weakness. I pulled on my hair before taking deep breaths hiding any of my current distress.
My only comfort was the mental bond I shared with Yui. Despite me putting up barriers for some reason I always got a sense of when Yui was in left threatening danger the few times that that had happened. I'd also take on her pain which could cause me to be incapacitated. Like when she'd been attacked by a few drunks and I'd from a block away collapsed in pain as my ribs cracked taking the brute of the beating, absorbing the worst of her injuries. She came away unscathed being saved by my father who I had managed to call, me being able to sense her exact location. She was the only one I could do this with and I don't why, I think it has to do with my strong sisterly feelings for her and I was grateful for it.
I carried on with this thought in mind as I made my way to chemistry. My mood plummeted even more when I saw Laito leaning against the door to the classroom.
"Hello Kiba-chan." Laito cooed.
"Leave me alone!" I snapped not willing to put up with him. His eyes widened for a split second taken aback at my tone.
"Is something bothering my Kiba-chan?" He went to stroke my cheek making his mocking words all the worst but quickly drew back when I literally snapped my teeth at his hand almost biting him.
"You're brothers are pushing me to my limits Pervert-san so I suggest you tread carefully." I warned in a low tone. I glared stonily at the wall missing the flash of worry in Laito's eyes. I turned my attention back to him when I felt his hand brush the hair away from my neck.
"Looking for bite marks?" I asked irritably already knowing the answer. I took a step back not letting him continue to touch me. I suddenly felt a spark of fear wash over my body along with a sudden coldness, but they didn't belong to me. I felt my lungs feel compressed as I stared wide-eyed at Laito. Terror that didn't belong to me coursing through my mind.
"Yui..." I barely managed before I doubled over chocking. I collapsed to my knees as water sprouted from my mouth preventing me from breathing. My vision swarmed as I tried to focus on Laito who was looking at me in horror.
"Kiba-chan?" He asked as he crouched in front of me. "What's wrong?" I gasped as I tried to answer him but only more water poured from my mouth. Somewhere in the far back of my mind I identified the taste of chlorine that accompanied it. What was happening to Yui? Spots of black starting taking over my sight as I heard fast paced footsteps hurried towards me before the world was lifted out from under me. I lost any reasonable thought as the burning pain of oxygen deprivation overwhelmed me and Yui's panicked terror that came with it. My final thoughts centered on my worry not for me but for Yui as I fell into oblivion once again.         

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