Desi Problems Part 2

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41. An hour or two late for a party and still the first ones there.

42. When you go to a wedding reception and are asked when you are getting married.

43. Eat, Sleep, Study, Repeat.

44. Yes, I'm Desi. No i cant help you with your computer problems. Well, i probably can, i just dont want to.

45. One does not simply obey traffic laws.

46. Being Desi. Options: Medical School, Medical School, Medical School.

47. I dont always go to the club, but when i do, its Sams Club.

48. Awkward moment when the teacher mentions anything about India and the whole class looks at you.

49. Buy it. Use it. Return it.

50. Sneaking your own drinks into the movies.

51. When someone says, "This food might be too spicy for you," and you think, 'Bitch, Im Desi!"

52. Moms biggest threat is," Wait till your dad gets home."

53. Only one eating with your hands and not really caring.

54. When you ask a yes or no question and get a lecture.

55. Goes outside to dance a dramatic Bollywood number in the rain, comes back inside with pneumonia.

56. Pedestrians must yield to vehicles.

57. A boy and a girl are talking to each other. Everyone automatically assumes there is something going on.

58. Oh your parents yelled at you? You poor, poor child. *insert sarcasm*

59. Cleaning your room for the cleaning ladies.

60. Spending the night at a friend's house is considered crazy.

61. Your name doesnt fit on the "Hello my name is" stickers.

62. A Non-Desi: Say my name in your language.

Me: do i look like a translator to you??

63. Mangoes being every true desi's favorite fruit.

64. Loving MANGOES!!

65. The whole family going to the airport to pick up one person.

66. Only going to a wedding reception for the food.

67. Your mom doesnt call you downstairs when dinner's ready, the smoke alarm does.

68. If you cant cook, no one will marry you.

69. Cursing at people in Urdu/Punjabi/Hindi

70. Teaching your non-desi friends words like Tatti, Behn Chod, and Kutti.

(Tatti is shit, kutti is bitch, and im not telling what behn chod is)

71. Tape or super tape fixes everything.

72. Every man is an "uncle" and every woman an "auntie"

73. Random auntie comes to you at a wedding and tries to get you to marry her son.

74. When non-desi friends talk about English music and movies and you just stare blankly because you only listen to Indian music and watch Indian movies.

75. Drinking too much chai (tea).

76. I'm desi and I know it!

77. South Indians have VERY long names.

78. Voice command in your phone doesnt recognize desi names.

79. White people get c's on their report card and come back to school the next day. Alive.

80. ABCD: American Born Confused Desi

I think im done now. Maybe...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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