Because I Love You

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“Morning.” Philippe walked into the room, smiling at Kara happily. He walked over to Melissa and Paisley, kissing each on the cheek before slowly walking over to Kara. He leaned over and, for a second, his lips were on her cheek as her hands clenched at her sides.

“Good morning.” She whispered, looking over his shoulder at Melissa who threatened her quietly with her eyes. Philippe smiled at her gently and walked over to the small table in the middle of the room.

“What’s for breakfast?” he looked at Paisley expectantly.

“Um… we made-“

“What did I tell you about saying ‘um’, Paisley?” he snapped at her.

“You said not to.” Paisley looked at the floor, ashamed. “You said it’s not lady-like.” Her words trembled slightly and she glanced up at Philippe, masking the fear in her eyes quickly.

Philippe sighed and patted the seat beside him gently. “Come sit, Paisley. You know I love you- it’s just these things piss me off.” He looked at her with apologetic eyes, but Kara could see the hidden threat in them, daring Paisley to disobey him.

Paisley quietly walked over to the table and took the seat beside Philippe, slightly flinching as he raised his hand. Kara watched as she visibly relaxed when he set it on her shoulder gently.

Philippe frowned, “I wouldn’t hurt you, Paisley.” A small fleck of bitterness settled in Kara’s eyes and she forced herself to not snort.

“I know, sir.” Paisley stared at the table and bit her lip.

“Anyways, what’s for breakfast? Melissa, would you fetch it?” his eyebrow raised just a fraction of an inch, but Kara caught the movement. “Kara, you can come and sit.” For a second, a small flash of anxiety took over Kara’s mind but she quickly forced it down and sat down at the table across from Philippe.

“I take it the girls explained things to you.” He asked, brushing back a strand of hair off of Paisley’s shoulder.

The girls sat on the couch, Kara across from them staring at the floor in silence. She glanced up, tears in her eyes, “What’s going on?” Kara whispered- she could hardly hear herself speak so she was surprised when Paisley replied..

Paisley looked on with a distant look in her eyes. “We don’t really know…” she reached across the empty space and took Kara’s hand in hers. “Philippe… he... we…. All we know is that we all worked with him on a case. The same case.”

Kara looked at them with confusion, “All?”

A small sob escaped from Melissa. “There was more. Two more other than us.” Her fingers scratched at her thighs nervously. “They- they were… Philippe, he got angry at them. They tried to get out…”

“He killed them.” Kara snapped, bitterness lacing her words.

Paisley looked away from her and Kara’s hand swung back to her side. “Yes.”

“Well… well, we can get out.” Kara piped up, examining the girls’ expressions.

“No. No, we can’t.”

“Yes, if we just-”

Melissa stood up, “No. We can’t. They have tried and it didn’t work.” She glared at Kara and her voice rose slightly. “No one can. He’s too strong and he would overpower us. No more talking of this ‘escaping’.” Melissa walked to her bedroom door. “I’m going to sleep. Paisley, finish with her.” And she disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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