Never Knew I Needed (finally finished)

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Never Knew I Needed


Malory's POV

"You're so stupid!"

"Oh yeah, well you're short!"

Maybe I should back up a little. I'm Malory Calloway and the guy I'm fighting with is my best friend Louis's band mate, and super fan girl crush Harry's band mate as well, Niall Horan. Just hate him! Well anyways you're probably thinking "Why is she with One Direction and why does she hate Niall? Niall is an Irishman and is so lovable!"

Well a few years back when One Direction was just releasing their first album, Louis said his band could use a "woman's touch". By that he meant someone to clean up, do laundry, get everything set and in order, and some what cook for them. (Harry does most of the cooking. Oh Harry...)

Well anyways I love everyone in the band, they're all like my older brothers... Except Niall. When we first met he pranked me and I was so pissed I instantly knew we were never gonna be friends. Since then all we do is fight, and that.

Well that basically backs everything up... Back to the story!!!

"I'm 5'4 and a 1/2!"


"At least I'm not a gay leprichon who eats all day!"

"ENOUGH, ENOUGH!!!" Harry shouted breaking up the fight between me and Niall.

"Sorry Harry." I said in a love filled voice.

"Oh shut up!" Niall growled as he stood there turned away from us with his arms crossed.

"Niall..." Harry said.

Niall sighed. "Sorry." Niall spat.

"Malory..." Harry said looking at me.

"I already said sorry." I said as I turned away from Niall.

"Not to Niall!" Harry said as he smiled.

I sighed. "Fine! Sorry... For fighting with you... Niall." I muttered.

"Apology not accepted!" Niall said a little angry.

"Niall!" Harry shouted as he jumped on Niall, knocking him down. "Say sorry back or I will take away your eating privileges!"

"She called me gay when we all know I'm straight! And she also called me a leprichon when I'm taller than her!" Niall shouted as he tried to get Harry off of him.

"Say it!" Harry shouted.

"Fine sorry... Malory!" Niall shouted.

"Ok that's all I needed to hear!" Harry said as he got off of Niall. I smiled and watched Harry in awe. Harry then waved and left to go in the kitchen.

"Oh please!" Niall said as he smirked at me with his arms crossed.

"What!?" I shouted as I turned around to face him.

"Harry would never date you, and you know it!" Niall said with a smirk.

"You don't know that." I said as I acted like I knew he was wrong.

"You're a year younger then him and he's into older women! I think I know." Niall said. I snarled, Niall was right. Harry would never date me. "See you even know it!"

"So what if he likes older women, that doesn't mean he can't change! I mean at least I'm not afraid to ask people out or tell them my feelings!" I shouted in Niall's face.

"At least I don't point out everyone's flaws!" Niall shouted.

"You just did!" I shouted. Just then Harry popped his head around the corner.Niall and I stood there and waved, blushing, and smiling. You know, one of those " Damn I just got busted!" moments. Niall and I then turned and growled at each other and stomped away. I had nothing to say to Niall!



"Stupid Malory!" I muttered as I stuffed potato chips in my mouth.

"What did she do this time?" Liam asked me as he sat on the couch turning the channel on the tv.

"She just always insults me and acts all sweet when Harry enters the room! It is so freakin stupid!" I said as I shoved more chips in my mouth.

"We'll you know those fan girls!" Liam chuckled. "At least she doesn't faint when she sees him!" Liam joked.

"Yeah, thank god." I muttered. I was laying on my belly in front of the tv eating chips when I heard Malory's voice.

"Come on Louis!"

"Malory, I am not kicking Niall out of the band just because my best friend doesn't get along with him." Louis said annoyed with Malory.

"Why?" Malory whined.

"Because he is good at singing, and he is just as important to the band as Harry. I know you don't think so but it's true!" Louis said walking past me with Malory following. Malory stopped right in front of me. "Now go away, you're irritating!" Louis shouted.

I smirked and Malory turned her head to look at me. "What are you looking at?" She scowled.

"Just a short, stupid, stubborn, blond girl who hates my guts!" I chuckled.

"How many times do I have to say it? I'm headstrong, and I'm exactly 5'4 and a 1/2!" She snarled.

"What ever!" I said as I got up with the chips. Malory then stuck her hand in my bag of chips and took one. "Hey!" I said as I jerked the bag away.

"What? I can't have a chip?" She said as she glared at me.

"No!" I said as glared back at her.

"Give me the bag!" Malory said as she began wrestling me for the bag.

"NEVER!!!" I shouted. Just then Malory let go of the bag and chips flew everywhere! (Mostly in my hair.) "MALORY!!!" I screamed as her and Liam sat there laughing.

"Oops, I guess it slipped." Malory snickered.

I growled at her. "Bitch!" I muttered under my breath and walked away brushing chips out of my hair.

Now you're probably wondering why I hate her guts, or why she hates mine. Well when Malory first came to live with us I thought it would be funny to play a little prank. I decided since she is afraid of spiders, I would throw a fake tarantella at her.

It was funny, and she freaked out but then she punched me in the stomach. That was when I realized she doesn't like me, and since she punched me I thought the same.

Well anyways back to story...

I stopped and looked at her and growled. I had nothing to say to Malory!

Never Knew I Needed (A Niall Horan love story... or is it?) (finally finished)Where stories live. Discover now